Page 44 of Dante Beretta
“He ain’t seeing you, Navy,” I ground out. “Only I get to see you.”
“Ahhhh.” She slapped her hand against the arm of the sofa. “Up here. Now.”
I didn’t like taking orders, not even from Lorenzo, but in that moment, I knew I was needed at the top with Navy and not down here. It took everything in me to relent and turn to face Romeo. “You only look when you need to, got it?”
He raised a brow at me as we switched places. My hand found Navy’s, and the moment she squeezed it, I grunted.
“Fuck, Navy, that hurts—”
“You wanna complain about pain?” she asked, in a tone that I’d never heard before. “You’re a Mafia man, calm the fuck down and take it—” She cut herself off again as another contraction slammed through her.
“You need to push,” Romeo said from between her legs. “That’s it, I can see more of the head, keep pushing.”
She pushed, her chin to her chest, but then she blew out a puff of air and stopped.
“You’re doing great, sweetheart,” I said softly, pushing some hair off her face.
Her head turned; her eyes narrowed as she gave me a death stare. I glanced over at Lorenzo whose face was echoed in pain. He shook his head, telling me not to say anything, and maybe he was right. None of us had ever been in this situation before. We were taking part in the unknown.
Remy was standing in the corner, his laptop gripped to his chest as he watched with wide eyes, meanwhile Lorenzo and I were basically pin cushions for Navy to use. But Romeo looked like he’d done this a thousand times before. How was he so calm right now?
“Another one,” Navy gritted out.
“Push,” Romeo demanded, lifting his head up to look at all three of us. “Push as hard as you can, Navy.”
She let out a battle cry, the entire top of her body jerking forward as she took mine and Lorenzo’s hands with her.
“The head is out!” Romeo shouted, and it was the first time I’d seen any other expression but pissed off on his face. “On the next one, push as hard as you—” He was cut off as she pushed again, her shouts getting louder and deeper with each contraction. I’d thought the scream when she first came in here was loud, but that was nothing compared to these.
She let her body flop back, her head rolling to the side as she gave me her eyes. “I can’t do it again, D. I’m too tired.”
I pressed my forehead to hers, giving her the strength she so desperately needed. “You got this, sweetheart. You got this. And I got you.”
She closed her eyes for a second, and then jerked up again, nearly headbutting me in the process.
“One big push,” Romeo told her, his body primed and his hands between her legs. I hated that he was down there, but if I was honest, he was the only calm one in the room, and that was what was needed right now.
“Argh,” Navy cried out, then a second later, more cries, only these were different, these were baby cries.
“It’s a boy,” Romeo announced, lifting up and showing us the baby that he’d placed against his chest, covered in blood and white stuff, letting out the same kind of battle cries that Navy had.
“A boy,” I whispered, feeling tears prick at my eyes, and a quick look down at Navy told me she was crying too.
“A boy,” Romeo repeated, keeping the baby to his chest. For a moment, we all were still, staring at the baby and realizing that we’d all just helped bring another life into this world. A boy. My son.
Holy fuck, I was a father to a son.
The next few hours were a flurry of activity. Lorenzo hadn’t only called Ma, he’d also called a doctor who showed up a few minutes after Navy had given birth.
I didn’t move from her side as the doctor cut the cord, then gave her an injection so that she could pass the placenta. Ma came, as did Sofia and Aida, and we all piled into Lorenzo’s office, each of them taking turns to look at our new son.
Navy hadn’t spoken much since she’d pushed him out, in fact, she was in and out of sleep while the baby latched on and she fed him. But I was there, one hand on his tiny back that spanned the entire length of him.
I had no idea how to feel or what to think. I was…overwhelmed, but more so when the doctor left and told us to get mom and baby upstairs to rest.