Page 51 of Dante Beretta
She moaned, so loud it would have woken Dario up if he would have been in the next room. Luckily for us, Ma had wanted to have him overnight in the big house. Part of me wondered if she knew the four weeks were up, but what she’d actually told us was that Navy needed a good night’s sleep before her first day back at school.
School. I couldn’t believe I was going to be driving her to school.
I didn’t want to leave her there all day without anyone around, but she hadn’t given me a choice. She’d told me she was going back, had said she’d spoken to Ma about it, which meant I didn’t have a say in it. And I wouldn’t have stopped her anyway. What was important to her was important to me. What she wanted, I wanted.
Fuck. I was starting to not be able to see where she ended and where I began.
I was utterly consumed by her. By her long, light-brown hair, by her full, plump lips, by her long lashes that framed her round eyes that saw deep down into my soul. But it was the way she looked at me—like I was everything to her—that obsessed me the most.
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do while she was gone all day. Part of me wanted to sit outside the school just to make sure she was okay, but I knew I couldn’t. I had shipments to make sure were on time, and a meeting with Remy to get more intel about the rest of The Enterprise. He’d been digging and hit several walls, and in his words, that meant they were hiding something.
So I was going to relish in every second of her, especially with my face buried between her legs.
“I’m close,” Navy panted out, her skin slick with sweat.
I sucked on her clit, lapping at her bundle of nerves with the tip of my tongue, and as soon as I felt her orgasm hit, I lowered her, just enough to bury my cock deep inside her.
Not giving her the chance to catch her breath, I thrust, so fast that she shot up the bed. But I just followed her, needing to fuck her so hard that every time she walked today, she’d feel me inside her. I needed to mark her, needed her to know that she was mine. All. Mine. I needed her to not forget what was waiting for her.
So as I hovered over her naked body, my hands touching her everywhere and anywhere, I sunk my teeth into her neck, knowing I would leave a mark for everyone to see.
“Dante,” she shouted, her moans following. The pain had her on edge again, mixing with the pleasure. She wrapped her legs around me, hooking her feet together, giving me more traction to pummel her with my cock. I felt the tip against her cervix, refusing me to get in any more than I already was.
“Fuck, Navy, you’re so goddamn wet.”
“Mmmm,” she murmured, trailing her tongue up my neck and to my mouth. Our lips collided, teeth clashing as we tried to get even closer than we already were. It was impossible, but it didn’t stop us from trying. We’d been made for each other, that much was clear, and now, as I thrust one more time, I emptied myself inside her, knowing that we were safe because she was on birth control thanks to her doctor.
We both panted for breath as I unhooked her legs, lowered myself, then wrapped my arms around her to bring her onto my front. She lay there, her head resting over my fast-beating heart, her hair a tangled mess, wetness dripping out of her and onto my leg.
“I’m exhausted already,” she murmured, followed by a soft laugh. It was only 6:30 a.m., and all I wanted was to have a couple of hours’ sleep, then push my cock back inside her.
It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her not to go back to school today, to leave it until tomorrow. That way we could have spent the entire day in bed, wrapped up in each other with nothing and nobody to disturb us. We could tell everyone we were sick, that way I could stay exactly where I wanted to be: by her side.
“I don’t wanna move,” she commented, lifting her head so that she could look at me. Her eyes glistened, her smile pulling me in even more than I already was.
“Don’t, then.” Placing my palm on the side of her face, I decided to tell her what I was thinking. “You could stay here with me all day.” I pressed a kiss to her cheek, then another, working my way down to her lips. “We wouldn’t even need to get dressed.”
“Don’t tempt me.” Her tongue met mine, our mouths open. “Dammit, D, why do you have to be so captivating?”
Before I knew it, she was off me, stumbling off the bed and flattening her naked body against the wall. “Don’t move,” she commanded, pointing at me while having the sternest look on her face possible. Too bad for her that it didn’t scare me. “I mean it, Dante.”
I rolled onto my side, staring at her with a grin. “Or what, Navy? What you gonna do?”
“I’ll…” Her stare bounced around the room, her face unsure. “I’ll…”
I pushed my palm into the mattress and lifted up, causing her to squeal and run. She was faster than me, but only because she was already off the bed. The bathroom door slammed shut, her shouted, “You can’t get me now!” reverberating into the bedroom.
“I can always break the door down,” I said, as if it was as easy as walking. “You should know by now that I can get to you whenever I want.”
“Dante,” she warned, and I could just imagine her backing away. “I’m getting in the shower. You stay there.”
I stood, fully intent on getting through that door to join her in there, but then the front door knocked and Ma’s voice shouted, “We’ve come to say good luck for today!”
I groaned, but I didn’t miss Navy’s laugh from behind the bathroom door. She’d heard it too.
Grabbing some sweatpants, I stalked toward the bathroom door and growled, “I’ll make you pay for that, sweetheart.” It was a promise, one I intended to keep as soon as she was back in our bed tonight.