Page 65 of Dante Beretta
But she hadn’t come home, which meant she was still pissed at me.
My feet carried me across the lawn and to the mansion where I then walked through the large doors. I could hear voices coming from the dining room, so I headed right there. If Navy was in there and I’d been waiting this entire time for her…
“Where’s Navy?” I asked as soon as I pushed the door open. I hadn’t even looked at the people around the table before I’d asked.
“Dante?” Ma’s voice seeped through, but by then, I’d scanned the table.
She wasn’t here.
“Has anyone seen Navy?”
A throat cleared and I whipped my attention to it. “I saw her leaving this morning with Dario,” Romeo said, frowning. “I thought it was strange that she was going out on her own, but I figured she was probably meeting you.”
My hands clenched at my sides. She hadn’t taken him out on her own yet. Why the hell would she do that? Why wouldn’t she have taken someone with her? Why—
“Ah, fuck.” I scraped my hand up my face and through my hair, pulling on it. “Dario had a doctor’s visit today.” I groaned, frustrated that I’d forgotten all about it. After staying up all night fighting and then coming back to my old bedroom and crashing for several hours, it had completely gone out of my mind.
“What time was that?” Lorenzo asked Romeo.
“What time was what?” he asked, pushing his shoulders back.
“What time did you see Navy leave?”
Romeo frowned down at his plate, shaking his head. “When I got here, so around nine?”
I twisted my wrist to glance at my Rolex, seeing that it was after 6 p.m. now. She wouldn’t have been at the doctor’s office for nine hours. She should have been back hours and hours ago, so where the hell was she?
If she hadn’t come home yet, then did that mean…
I stumbled back as if I’d been thumped in the chest, my breath trapped inside my lungs.
Had she left me? Did she take her one chance to leave?
No. I refused to believe my own thoughts. But…why? Why wasn’t she back yet?
The room was silent, the tension so thick you couldn’t cut it with the sharpest knife in existence.
“Romeo, get Remy to track her phone,” Lorenzo said, standing from his seat. “She might just be visiting friends.”
Romeo didn’t waste a second to leave the dining room, but as he exited the door, Ma tacked on, “Or her father,” looking sheepish.
I narrowed my eyes at her, my jaw clenching. “What?”
Ma’s head snapped up at my tone, her eyes widening. “Her father. She might have gone to visit him.”
My chest tightened. “And why the fuck would she do that?”
“Well…” Ma looked around the table, probably trying to find an answer to my question, but it looked like she already knew anyway. “He came to her school.”
“Hewhat?” Navy hadn’t told me that. In fact, she’d said she hadn’t spoken to him since the night she came here when she was pregnant. “No.” I shook my head as I realized what she meant, feeling the tension leave my body. “I was there when he turned up. He didn’t get out of the car.” I turned to Lorenzo. “She won’t be at her dad’s.” I wasn’t sure whether I was trying to convince him or myself.
“He went there again,” Ma murmured, looking down at her lap. “He spoke to her.”
“That motherfucker!” I couldn’t stop my rage consuming me, couldn’t hold back as I spun around and slammed my fist into the wall. Plaster broke off, crumbling to the ground from the force.
“Dante!” Sofia shouted.
I didn’t acknowledge her though. The monster was rearing his ugly head, but I couldn’t let him out here, not in front of everyone. I desperately needed to keep a lid on it—on my anger, on my frustration, on the monster.