Page 16 of The One
“How was your first night with George?” she asked.
“We got through,” he said. “After I caved and let him on the bed. I figured it wouldn’t do either of us any good if I was up all night with him while he cried.”
“You had him in your room rather than another room?” she asked.
He sighed. “You’re almost as bad as my sister. She’d told me to leave the crate downstairs, but I couldn’t. She knows more about animals than I do. I didn’t know if he could hurt himself and wanted to keep an eye on him.”
“Best way to do that is when they are in the bed with you,” she said, grinning.
“So I learned. Otherwise it’s not been too bad. I’ve got him outside more than in while I try to avoid any accidents. I am keeping him just in a few rooms that are hardwood for easier cleanup.”
They were walking along for several blocks, the two of them talking back and forth. “This is my turn,” she said.
“Funny how it’s mine too,” he said.
“Really?” she asked. “You aren’t just saying that?”
“No. I live two more blocks down. How much further is your sister?”
“In three blocks I take a right and she is on that street.”
“Not that far at all,” he said. “Where do you live if not in Paradise Place?”
“I live in Colonie. As I said, Trey is a fireman and he owns a two-family house. I live upstairs so it was easier to watch Ben, and Trey had to stay within the town limits for his job.”
“I’m finding it to be a nice area. Did you grow up here?”
“I did,” she said.
The closer they got to his house the more he didn’t want to stop. There was no way to avoid that unless he walked the rest of the way with her. “Do you want me to keep going so Ben stays awake? This is me.”
She turned to look at his stone-front house. “That’s big for just one person.’’
“And a puppy,” he added.
“One person and a puppy,” she said. “And no, you don’t need to. I think Ben will make it. I’ll talk to him. Are you hungry, Ben?”
“Food,” Ben said.
“That will distract him enough,” she said.
“Speaking of food?” he said. “I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve been following orders. Not cooking as much but making some nice substitutes lately.”
“That’s great to hear,” she said.
“Maybe you wouldn’t mind getting some dinner together?” he asked. He wanted to throw it out there before she moved on and he didn’t see her again. Though he had her number at her job but wouldn’t use it to ask her out.
“I’d like that. But you aren’t supposed to be eating out,” she said, grinning. “Which is mean. That’s not nice of me. You can still eat out and make healthy choices. I’m only picking on you.”
“I could,” he said. “With your help.”
“I like how you threw that in there.” She pulled her phone out and he did the same. She read off her number and he put it in his phone, then sent her a text so she had his.
“I can be fast on my feet,” he said.
“Why don’t you reach out later and we’ll figure it out. It was nice to see you again.”
“You too,” he said. He stood there while she continued on. George was fertilizing his lawn and he was busy looking at Gillian’s ass. Damn, she had one smoking body on her.