Page 66 of The One
Yep, he knew she’d be ticked about the Christmas gifts, but in the end it worked out.
They’d had a great day at Whitney’s and he was more comfortable than he was at Thanksgiving. Her parents were more accepting this time and not putting either of them on the spot.
“What a sweet thing to say,” she said. “You do get the royal treatment though. Not everyone gets the daily hand to hand one.”
She giggled when she said it and it made him feel good to hear it from her. “It’s hardly daily,” he said. He wished it was but had to tell himself to be happy with the few days a week they had. They spent their weekends together and one day during the week most times.
He was busy with work but not so busy he couldn’t make time for her. He supposed though if she came over every day during the week after work he’d find himself doing work at night when she left.
He didn’t think he was an overachiever by any means, but there was still so much to learn and get a handle on with his job. He spent so much time in meetings during the day that actual work that had to get done, he found himself doing that later on in the day or earlier when others weren’t around.
It wasn’t stressing him out and he wasn’t going to let it. He just had to get into a routine.
Most nights when Gillian wasn’t around, he was done working no later than six, starting before six most days too.
He was a creature of habit and up at five and, with no commute or anything else to do in the morning, once he had breakfast, he just went to work. Having the flexibility to do personal things during the day made a world of difference, he was learning.
“It’s a good thing,” he said. “I’m not sure I’d want to share you.”
She smiled and turned her head. “That’s my appointment that is coming down the hall,” she said. “I should go back in.”
“So you do see people more than once?”
How else would she know the person? “Yes. Some people need a few visits. Others come back months later because they are still struggling or have other health issues.”
“I’ll let you go,” he said, leaning toward her. “Can I give you a kiss or is that a no-no?”
“You can give me a kiss,” she said. “We are in a public hallway, not my office.”
“Good,” he said. “If you don’t have plans tonight, do you want to come over? Stay until Sunday? Or is that too much? You were going to come over tomorrow for the weekend anyway.”
“You know what?” she said. “I’d like that. I’ll run home and get my clothes after work and then be there to cook dinner. What do you want?”
“Not sure,” he said. “I need to get groceries. Since I’m out and George is locked up, I’ll do it now before I go back home. You tell me what you want and I’ll get it.”
“I’m not fussy. I’ll figure something out with what you buy,” she said.
“See you later then,” he said and then left for the store.
He wasn’t halfway through the produce section when he heard, “What are you doing here at this time?”
Why was it he would run into Robin? Sure, the store was close to their house, but so were other ones. Harper was in the cart and reaching for him.
“Oh, she wants me now.”
“She wants you now so she can get out and get down. Don’t pick her up,” Robin said.
He leaned in and kissed Harper on the nose. “Sorry, sweetie. Mommy says no and no one messes with your mother.”
“Yeah right,” Robin said. “Sneaking out of work for food?”
Robin eyed his cart and all the fruits and veggies in there. “I was out at an appointment and figured I’d stop on the way back.”
Robin frowned at him. “Appointment? Everything okay?”
He never had to worry about these things when he lived in another state. He wasn’t sure if he was annoyed or not though.
“Everything is good,” he said.