Page 15 of Illicit Desires
Slowly, I came back to earth, my breathing in rhythm with his thumb stroking my cheek. Some of the shock washed out of my system and I became very aware of how close he was to me. I shot out of my chair, taking a big step backwards. “I, um– I need to get back to work. I want to meet with the builders tomorrow and I have a lot of paperwork to sort through.”
His hand was still in the air and he looked a little confused but eventually he straightened and nodded, moving back to his seat.
I tried to look busy but I was wrapped up in my head and wasn’t really comprehending much. Jaime may not be a mafia don but he was dangerous all the same. Without any effort, he started chipping at the walls I carefully built up after Gavin and that scared the hell out of me. Standing that close, touching me like that, it made me want to lean in to him and I can’t afford to lose my head with this man. There was too much on the line now. And I was scared of what would happen if I did.
* * *
I finally gota break from my turbulent thoughts when I went to check in with Liam. There were a few contracts that needed to be redone completely and at least a dozen that I wanted updated because there were some pretty serious loopholes. I knocked on the door to his office but there was no answer. When I glanced back at Jaime, he frowned, heading over and poking his head instead. Good, if someone has to get into trouble with Liam, let it be him. I don’t think I can handle the stress.
“Oh, hey. I didn’t realize you guys were coming today.”
The office sounded busier than before and when Jaime waved me inside, I was surprised to find not only were Mateo and Dmitriy back, a small group of women had joined them. One of them smiled brightly at Jaime and I tried to ignore the ugly green feeling rolling through my gut.
“Jaime! How’s life back on the outside?” the small brunette in the middle queried.
He chuckled. “Not so bad. At least I don’t have to hold back your hair anymore.”
The woman he was speaking to scowled at him. “You’re a jerk.”
“Yeah, but you love me anyway,” he grinned.
A dark look crossed Liam’s face and he was out of his seat in an instant, coming around the desk to snatch the woman away from Jaime. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
The woman rolled her eyes before her gaze shifted to me. “Oh, hello. You must be the new lawyer.”
All eyes swung my way. It’s a good thing I’m not afraid of crowds or it might be a little intimidating. I lifted my chin, offering her my hand.
“Rebecca Sloan.”
She shook my hand, her eyes narrowed slightly like she was trying to get a read on me. “Jo O’Connor.” When she released my hand, she gestured to the other two women. “This is Gabi and Mariana.”
Unease spread through me. After what Liam said about his wife, I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to meet her. The other two weren’t any better. I’ve had wives in the past complain about me because I didn’t stand around engaging in idle chit chat when I had work to do.
Jo spoke again and I refocused on her. “I’m glad you’re here. I do my best to help Liam when I can but I’m no lawyer.”
Frowning at her, I asked, “Are you his secretary?”
She laughed. “No, I just like to help out.”
He rested his hands on her hips, leaning to whisper something in her ear. She rolled her eyes but a flush appeared on her cheeks and it didn’t take rocket science to realize he was not being appropriate. At least he was polite enough to be quiet about it. When I glanced at Mateo, he was giving his wife a look that was downright scandalous. They all seemed pretty affectionate with each other and I was immediately uncomfortable.
Clearing my throat, I glanced at my watch. “Well, I have a few things I need to get done. Mr. O’Connor, if you’d let me know when you have a moment, there are some things I’d like to go over with you regarding some of the contracts your previous legal counsel drew up. It was nice meeting you.” I forced a polite smile before turning on my heel and marching out.
I knew I wasn’t going to enjoy meeting the spouses. The fact that they moved in a little group told me all I needed to know. Like the cliques in high school, they probably all huddled together and did the mafia wife thing, spending their husbands’ money and pushing out kids and considering that their contribution to the household. As a lawyer, I knew I should probably reserve judgment. As a woman who grew up in the mafia world, I knew better and I’d try harder to avoid them in the future so I wouldn’t end up saying something that’ll make them sic their husbands on me.
I hadn’t noticed Jaime wasn’t behind me until I made it to my office. He seemed pretty friendly with Jo and I was a little suspicious. Obviously so was Liam, given his intense reaction to Jaime joking with her. There was probably something going on there and I was really glad to have such a strong reminder that I shouldn’t get involved with him. I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of all that. Maybe that’s why he was reassigned.
I sat at my desk, frowning at the paperwork in my hand. I’d been hoping to go over it with Liam but now he was busy with his wife and I had no idea how long that would take. In my experience when my clients get visits from their wives, it was usually a long drawn out thing and it could be hours before I could meet with him. I didn’t want to stray too far though because I told Liam to let me know when to meet with him. It was frustrating. I wished they’d leave their families at home so we could get some actual work done.
Sitting down at my desk, I sighed heavily. Today has been a roller coaster and while I enjoy my work, I was looking forward to heading home for pizza and a snuggle from Samwise. If I time my order right, I can arrive at my condo right as it gets there so I won’t have to get off the couch to go get it.
My phone buzzed,interrupting my calculation on when was best to order dinner that coincided with the train schedule. I saw Liam’s name flash across the screen and my eyebrows went up. That was fast. He sent me a text letting me know that he was free for the next hour so I scooped up my paperwork and hustled back upstairs. The spouses were crowded around the elevator talking amongst themselves when I pushed through the door. I gave them a polite nod as I strode past them, not missing the fact that their eyes tracked me all the way into the office.
All three men were still here. Dmitriy was on the phone, an irritated frown on his face as he barked at the person on the other line. His gaze lifted to mine and he pushed to his feet, stalking away without a word. Mateo’s desk was an absolute mess of paperwork and he was scowling at it. It was hard to imagine him serious even for a second but he barely gave me a small smile in greeting before returning his focus to the task in front of him.
Waiting for Liam to acknowledge me, I stood behind the chair, sitting when he gestured to it. I handed him the documents, taking a deep breath to prepare myself to utterly piss him off.