Page 28 of Illicit Desires
I frowned. “So why would you invite me then?”
He chuckled. “I was hoping for a distraction. I like hanging out with you.”
That was a lie. We didn’t hang out for fun. I worked and he played with his phone. We might chat here and there during my lunch or on the drive home but it’s not like we’re friends. A small part of me that I didn’t want to acknowledge was flattered that he wanted me to spend time with him over the holidays but I wasn’t going to go through with it.
“No, thanks. I’m good.”
He shook his head slowly. “Alright but you don’t know what you’re missing. The mood might be awkward but the food is amazing. I go into a food coma every year.”
Nodding placatingly, I turned back to my phone. “Well, enjoy it for me then. I’m still not going.”
Being aloneon the holidays never bothered me. I actually preferred it. There was no drama, no one complaining about slaving away all day in the kitchen, even though we all knew the staff made the dinner and Mom just stood there drinking wine. I didn’t have to listen to my sister droning on about her wedding or how many babies she planned on having and I didn’t have to fight with my brothers about how much of an embarrassment I am to the family by not settling down like I was supposed to. It was just me and Samwise, chinese take-out, a Lord of the Rings marathon, and my work.
The take-out place I ordered from already knew me so I just had to tell them my name and they knew where to go and how to charge my card. I sighed happily, getting comfortable on the couch with a few documents while waiting for my food to arrive.
Not five minutes later someone knocked on the door. I frowned. That was quick. It normally takes twenty minutes at minimum, longer during the holidays when people like me were all ordering out to avoid their families. Tossing the throw I’d been using onto the back of the couch, I stood and padded over to the door, pulling it open slowly. Whatever I expected outside my door, it sure as hell wasn’t my bosses’ wives. Jo stood at the front, beaming at me.
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
Not entirely sure what was going on, I just stood there staring at her. The woman next to her, who I recognized as Mateo’s wife, shot her an amused look.
“I told you that you should’ve called first.”
Jo rolled her eyes. “That would defeat the purpose, she’d just refuse to answer the door.” Her gaze shifted back to me. “Jaime told us you were by yourself this Thanksgiving and I didn’t want you to spend the holiday all sad and alone. So we’re kidnapping you!”
My mouth fell open. “I– Wha–” My normal eloquence went out the window in my shock and Jo didn’t even bat an eye at me, pushing the door farther open and moving past me. The other two women followed her, Mateo’s wife smiling politely while the redhead couldn’t stop snickering. She patted my shoulder reassuringly.
“Don’t worry. Jo does stuff like this. She also likes to get people drunk when they’re going through stuff, just so you’re warned.”
Jo spun around with a scowl. “It was one time! And I don’t remember having to force you. You were pounding those shots faster than I was!”
The redhead raised an eyebrow. “I was in shock. What’s your excuse?”
My brow furrowed. “You gave her alcohol while she was in shock?”
Jo threw her hands up, exasperated. “She’d just been in an all out gun fight and she was shaking. I wanted to take the edge off. Are you ever not going to bring that up?”
The woman laughed. “No, probably not. It cemented our friendship, it needs to be memorialized.”
Jo’s face warmed and she walked over, linking arms with the woman. When she looked over at me, she raised her eyebrow.
“Are you going dressed like that or did you want to change first? There’s no dress code but that might be a little more casual than even I’d be comfortable in.”
Still stunned to my core that they were here, I could only glance down at my outfit. I was in sweats and my college sweater, my hair pulled into a messy bun on my head. I hadn’t even bothered to put in my contacts so I had my giant horn-rimmed glasses on. It was the exact opposite way of how I liked to present myself to my clients and yet these women were seeing it in all its glory. I blushed but I wasn’t so easily distracted and I finally managed to put my head on straight.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what Jaime told you but I wasn’t planning on joining you for dinner. I have my own plans and–”
Jo waved her hand dismissively. “Yes, we know. Chinese take-out and work. It’s just sad. I’m not taking no for an answer so you might as well just go get dressed.”
Incredulous, my gaze bounced between the women. Mateo’s wife smiled fondly at Jo before giving me her attention. “She won’t let up, I can guarantee that. It’s just not who she is.”
Grinding my teeth, I looked for some kind of excuse to get these women out of my home but Jo’s eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms and I gave up. This is the woman who forced a mafia boss to apologize to me. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe she wouldn’t force the issue. I was a little worried she’d get her husband involved. He could demand it as a work event if he really wanted to.
With a frustrated growl, I stormed off to my room to change, not surprised when they followed me. They sat on my bed, chatting amongst themselves while I got dressed in my walk-in closet. I wanted one extra day without having to put on a damn skirt but no, of course not.
“What’d they fight about this morning? I heard them in the background when you called me, they were super loud.”