Page 30 of Illicit Desires
“There’s nothing going on between me and Jaime.”
Jo just stared at me, blinking slowly. “Mhmm…”
This woman was stressing me out hard and I was starting to feel a little frantic to get away from her. I almost missed the simplicity of the mafia wives that I knew from home. They weren’t so brash and out there. I knew what to expect with them. This little group made no sense and I wasn’t sure I liked it.
“Mrs. O’Connor–” She scowled at me and I started again. “Jo, I don’t know what you’ve heard but I don’t date my clients or their employees. It’s a conflict of interest and I can’t remain neutral if I do. Besides, Jaime and I aren’t even friends. He’s my security, that’s it. I barely speak to him and never outside of a work environment.”
Jo didn’t look convinced but James cleared his throat when she opened her mouth and she snapped it closed again, rethinking what she was about to say. Finally, she shrugged.
“Well, either way, I don’t think you’re going to go around badmouthing me for not talking like a stuck up snob. Right?”
I shook my head, glad to be on a subject I could handle. “No. I don’t think that’s necessary. You’re human, you’re allowed to speak how you like. I wouldn’t want to get you into any trouble with Mr. O’Connor either.”
She snorted. “Yeah, that’s not who I’m worried about. It’s my mother-in-law who will throw a hissy fit. If I so much as sneeze wrong she’s up my ass about it.”
That was what was confusing about her and Liam. She was either fearless or he never laid a hand on her or gave her any reason to be afraid of him. I found that idea so far-fetched in our world that I had to assume she had some kind of neurological thing that made her unafraid in even the most dangerous situations. Didn’t Liam say she shot someone before?
Thankfully, the conversation moved away from me and she didn’t bring up Jaime again. I’d have to do something about it if there were rumors like that going around about us but there wasn’t much I could do about it right now.
When we pulled up in front of the O’Connor home, I wasn’t really shocked to see the mansion. It was like most mafia homes, a giant mansion too big for one family with really expensive cars parked out front and an absolutely massive wrought iron gate blocking the way in. I figured it’d open right away when we pulled up like at home but James actually had to stop and they checked the car before we could pull through. When Jo noticed my frown, she shrugged.
“Liam is cautious, especially around the holidays when there are people going in and out a lot.”
Apparently Liam O’Connor was more cautious than most mafia bosses. Even my own family wasn’t this intense. There were guards with dogs patrolling the outside and two guarding the front door. We waited until James opened the doors for us before piling out. I felt immediately on edge, their narrow eyed attention seemingly stuck on me. It made sense, I’m the daughter of a known rival, but since they were armed, I almost wanted to get back in the car and demand they take me home.
It was Jo who got me moving, looping arms with me and pulling me inside. “Come on, it’s not so intimidating once you’re past all the security.”
She dragged me inside and once we passed the threshold, the guards turned their focus back onto the yard and away from me. I let out a slow breath, pulling off my coat as I looked around. There was a grand staircase right past the entryway, hugging the wall as it curved upwards, all white marble. The entryway was lined with art and sculptures and there was a strong french style running through the place with fancy chandeliers and opulent furniture.
“I know, it’s like someone went to a Buckingham Palace garage sale to decorate this place. I’ve wanted to change it but Liam’s mom won’t let me and it’s just not worth arguing with her about it. The library and our bedroom are all I control in terms of decorating,” Jo complained.
“I’ve seen worse,” I replied, handing my coat to the staff member waiting by the door. He nodded politely and headed off with his arms draped in coats. Jo led us to the first door on the left which opened up into a large sitting room. It was crowded, mostly with people I didn’t know, but I did recognize Liam, Dmitriy, and Mateo standing off to the side speaking low to each other.
Jo let out a growl. “He better not be working right now.”
Without any further explanation, she stalked across the room. I reached for her, wanting to stop her before she got herself hurt, but she was too quick. I could only watch in horror as she marched up to the group of men and put her hands on her hips. Instead of the fury I expected, Liam’s face softened and when he reached for her he didn’t slap her like I thought. He drew her into his arms and put a hand on the little swell of her belly.
“You look a little shell shocked.”
Jerking around, I came face to face with a carbon copy of Liam. He was a little older, white hair peppering through the dark mass on his head and in his beard, but he had the same features and the same piercing dark blue eyes. I’ve heard a lot about O’Connor senior, my father talked about him almost constantly and never in a good light. He said the O’Connors were dangerous and bloodthirsty and O’Connor senior was the worst of them until Liam took over.
I had to clear my throat to speak without my voice trembling. “I apologize. It’s just not what I’m used to.”
He nodded. “I figured as much. I know who you are and I know who your father is. I couldn’t imagine a man that severe ever being affectionate with his family.”
That was an understatement. I don’t think I’ve ever heard my father say he liked me, much less that he loved me. He’d never hug or kiss my mom in public. He barely acknowledged her outside the house. Even at home, he kept himself at a distance from the rest of the family. I think he only had kids because he was expected to. I wasn’t going to badmouth in public though, I’m not that kind of person. I changed the subject instead.
“Thank you for inviting me to your home. It’s beautiful.”
He snorted. “It’s not my home, it’s my son’s. But from what I hear, you were less invited and more… compelled.”
Pressing my lips into a thin line, I tried not to give away how right he was. If I wasn’t manhandled out of my home, I wouldn’t be here right now. I’d be elbow deep in paperwork and eating noodles like a decent person.
He laughed at the expression on my face. “I knew better than to question those rumors. Jo is a force of nature and she didn’t like the thought of you being all alone, especially since you’ve been doing so much for our family. She said Liam actually had time to sleep since you got here. That damn tower was keeping him busy and she was stressing herself out about it. That kind of energy is not good for the baby.”
I lifted my chin, proud of myself. I’m good at my job and it made me feel good that I was doing enough that even Liam’s family recognized the effort. I wasn’t really concerned with their feelings on the matter but still. If I wasn’t going to be proud of myself, no one else would.