Page 38 of Illicit Desires
To his credit,Jaime didn’t panic. He might be an idiot though. He decided the best reaction to a gun in his face would be to roll his eyes, glaring back at Liam.
“Oh, fuck off, Liam. It was a damn ride. I’m not going to poach her. I’m not that person and you know it. This possessive bullshit needs to stop.”
Jaime is an idiot. That, or he’s got balls of steel. Liam reacted exactly like I thought he would. He cocked the gun and pointed at him again. It was only Jo’s interference that stayed his hand.
“Liam, stop!”
She forced herself between them, trying to draw her husband’s angry gaze back to her. “Liam, look at me. Please! You don't want to do this, he’s your family!”
Since I’ve met them, Liam has been nothing but kind and patient with Jo. So when he finally turned his glare her way, I thought he’d settle. He did drop the gun but the fury only compounded.
“James, take Jo home.”
Her head jerked back like he’d slapped her. It was obvious he’d never sent her away before but he wasn’t giving in to her this time. James gently took her elbow and tugged but she quickly rebounded from the shock and yanked her arm away, glaring at Liam.
“No. You know what? Jaime is right. This possessiveness has to stop. I’ve never given you any reason to think I’d cheat on you but you’re acting like I’m some kind of whore who’d throw myself at the first guy who gives me any attention. I’m tired of it. I’m staying with Mariana tonight. You call me when you’re ready to stop being such a giant asshole.”
Spinning around, she stormed out without a word. James followed her and after a quick murmur to her husband, Gabi left as well. Leaving just me and a room of angry men. This was all my fault.
Liam’s focus was locked on the door where his wife had exited, almost vibrating with fury, so when his gaze swung to me, I actually took a step back.
“You’re on probation. Full security at all times until you can be trusted to act in the best interest of the company. You’re dismissed,” he growled.
The tension in the room was almost palpable but Liam’s expression left no room for argument and I wasn’t going to be allowed to stay to make sure that he didn’t kill Jaime. I had to step past him to leave but Jaime’s gaze was locked onto Liam and he wouldn’t look in my direction, even when I was right in front of him. My heart sank and I hurried out of the room, taking the stairs to get down to my office quickly.
I barely made it before I burst into tears. Every relationship I’ve made in this place was just shredded to pieces because I decided to go and sleep with Jaime. I basically ruined my career because I got drunk and sloppy and when faced with the consequences of my actions, I decided to ignore the contract I made with my client and put myself at risk. Liam was right, if someone wanted to hurt this company they only had to get to me. I knew too much and I was in no way prepared for torture. Mafia daughters don’t get trained like that. And now Jaime was going to get hurt for my choices. It wasn’t enough that I basically ghosted him. I got him in trouble with his boss too.
My shoulders shook on silent sobs. You learn in the mafia to keep your emotions to yourself. Crying would only draw attention to you and bring more pain for causing a scene. One hand covered my mouth to keep me quiet while the other rested on the desk so I wouldn’t crumple to the floor.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
Gasping, I spun around. Jaime stood in the doorway, his face darker than I’ve ever seen it. He’s not that man. He’s the bright and easygoing one. I missed his lopsided smile.
Facing away from him, I wiped my face quickly. My makeup was probably beyond ruined but I was humiliated enough today without being caught crying. I felt him step up to me, the warmth radiating from him. I wanted to lean into him, to seek out his comfort, but I knew better. I can’t get involved with Jaime. Today made that abundantly clear.
Shaking my head, I kept my attention on the empty bookshelves and away from him. “I can’t, Jaime. I need to get back to work.”
His voice was a little harder this time and he wouldn’t move away until I turned to look him in the eye.
“Listen, I get it. You’ve been upfront and I took offense. You can’t ditch security though. It’s not safe.”
Deep down that wasn’t what I wanted to hear from him but I pushed it aside and nodded, angling my face away from him. “I know. It won’t happen again.”
I kept waiting for him to walk away but his hand trailing down my arm caught my attention and I turned back to him with a frown. His eyes were locked on my arm though.
“They said he grabbed you… Are you okay?”
My chin trembled and I clenched my jaw to steady it, dipping my chin once. “I’m fine.”
The lie was obvious a second later when he brushed over the spot the man had grabbed me and I flinched. Jaime’s brow furrowed and he moved to help me out of my jacket, slowly rolling the sleeve of my blouse out of his way so he could see the bruise. I let him because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop shaking and the warmth coming off him in waves settled me a little.
When his lips brushed over the sore spot my eyes slipped closed, an errant tear slipping over my cheek. No one ever took care of me like this and I hated that I had to keep pushing him away.
“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you ever again.”