Page 48 of Illicit Desires
Dread settled in my gut. This day just kept getting worse and worse. My brother joined the party and narrowed his eyes on me as my mother spun around and immediately started complaining. I expected him to argue with me. I didn’t expect him to lean close and threaten me.
“Father was nice enough to let you attend this thing without causing trouble but if you won’t hold up your end of the deal, neither will he. There are already people watching your precious O’Connors. Keep fighting, I dare you.”
A deep hatred wrapped around me and I scowled at my brother but eventually I stepped back, falling in line next to Gavin. He held his arm out expectantly and I ground my teeth as I took it.
“Don’t worry, Becky. I don’t want to touch you either. I heard you’ve been slumming it with the O’Connors as their in house counsel. You can’t take a loss so you go crawling to the enemy?”
Refusing to look at him, I silently seethed. I didn’t have to answer him, it would only give him what he wants.
The processional began but Gavin and I were second to last. I wasn’t maid of honor, thank goodness, or we’d have to wait until the very end before I could finally be done touching him.
“I don’t know why you’re even bothering, Becky. You know I’m not going to let you work once we get married.”
I scoffed. “Not on your life, Gavin. I’d rather die.”
He sneered. “That can be arranged.”
I shot him a dirty look but my mother hushed us as the doors opened and one by one couples headed down the aisle. I sought out Jaime the minute I could. He was near the back, I’d have to pass him on my way up. He smiled at me and I felt myself relax a little. I was going to get through this and at the end of it all, I’d get to go home with him. That’s all that mattered. Then I was going to cut out my family for good. I wasn’t sure how yet, there was the potential that my father would continue to try and threaten me to get me to do what he wants but I’d figure that out later. Right now, I had to get through this stupid event.
Gavin’s grip on my arm was tight and I knew he was going to cause trouble. When we got to the end, before he could do anything, I pinched him, hiding it behind my bouquet and a pretty smile. He yelped and released me right as we reached the altar and I immediately walked off to my spot in the line of bridesmaids.
The music shifted to the wedding march and the audience stood. Almost everyone was facing the aisle, watching my sister being paraded on my father’s arm. Only Jaime faced forward, his eyes locked on me. He stared at me and I could feel his unwavering support from across the room. I fought so hard against having any type of relationship with him but now I realize how foolish I was being. Jaime is wonderful and he makes my days brighter. He’s carefree and happy and I wanted that in my life. I’ve been working nonstop since I left home. No, since I was a kid, trying to be good enough, trying to be the best so that my dad would notice, my bosses would notice. I was in a rut and ran the risk of burning out but with Jaime…
With Jaime I could finally relax and just be. When we weren’t wrapped around each other we were talking and playing and watching movies. He likes the Lord of the Rings as much as I do and we both agreed on who the real hero was. I didn’t name my cat Samwise for nothing. I looked forward to going home now because it was so much fun to spend time with him. He’s a god awful cook but he made up for it by doing the little things like feeding Samwise and setting up the living room so that we could watch TV and be comfortable. When we were finished he was the one who cleaned up while I got to relax. Then, when we were done for the night, he drew me into his arms and kissed me until I was panting and throwing myself at him.
I realized right then that I was falling hard for the goofy bodyguard and when I smiled at him, I almost felt like he was thinking the same thing, his eyes soft and his smile gentle. Even after I turned to face the bride and groom I could feel his eyes on me and I felt the butterflies take flight in my belly. This day might be awful and forced but Jaime made it better and I couldn’t wait to go home with him.
On the wayback down the aisle after the ceremony was over, I refused to touch Gavin again. And he didn’t seem any more eager than me to let me because he didn’t argue about it. Apparently pinching him was enough of a warning and I let out a breath when I finally slipped away from him and the rest of the bridal party, waiting by the door for Jaime. When he finally stepped out, I grabbed his hand and pulled him aside, wrapping my arms around his middle.
Unlike Gavin, Jaime didn’t complain about public displays of affection. He cuddled me close and rested his cheek on top of my head and I felt the stress melt away wrapped in his arms.
My mother’s shrill voice calling for the wedding party to stay back for photos drew me away from him with a grimace. He chuckled.
“Just a little more. You’re doing great.”
I sighed. “Easy for you to say. You don’t have to go up there and pretend you want to be here.”
He smirked. “No, but I have had several people approach me wanting to set me up with their daughters. I told you, the tux–”
When I reached out to whack him, he ducked, laughing. He snagged my hand, pulling me back against him, but his eyes were still dancing. Jerk.
“You look gorgeous, by the way. I’m digging the dress on you.”
I twisted my mouth, wanting to get back at him. “If you’re good, I’ll let you rip it off me later.”
His expression fell and his eyes heated instantly but before he could say anything in reply, my mom marched over and demanded I join them for pictures. I winked at Jaime before following my mom back into the church for pictures. Lucky for me, none of them with Gavin. I wouldn’t be able to fake a smile if I had to get close to him again.
The wedding party was supposed to ride in the limo together to the hotel for the reception but it was starting to flurry and my anxiety spiked so I made a polite excuse and stayed back until Jaime and I were the last ones in the parking lot. I shot him a nervous look and he smiled softly.
“Don’t worry. We’ll go slow. I promise.”
He’d offered to let me drive, figuring if I had control it might help, but if anything that made it worse so I dropped into the passenger seat and tightened my seatbelt almost to the point it was uncomfortable before we headed to the hotel. It wasn’t far and Jaime kept his promise, driving carefully for me so I managed to avoid a full blown panic attack during the drive and the snow stopped again by the time we got there. Hopefully it’d stay gone for the long drive home.
Since we took a lot longer to get there than everyone else, the reception was already getting started by the time we arrived. We slipped in through the back and I wasn’t willing to eat while I was here so I didn’t have to sit down at the head table with the rest of the wedding party. Jaime and I stayed near the bar and avoided everyone for the most part.
I’d hoped to spend maybe an hour at the reception before we got on our way but when I tried to escape, we were waylaid by none other than my father. I halted my steps, my spine going rigid.