Page 5 of Illicit Desires
I shook my head. “Mr. Ramirez, I find it is important to maintain a professional demeanor at all times. I am not on a first name basis with my clients. You do understand that there are more experienced lawyers in the city who might be able to assist you better, correct? Don’t get me wrong, I would love to take the job but I feel it’s important to be aware of the facts here.”
Dmitriy glanced at Liam, grunting something in Russian. Liam responded in kind, nodding his head. They both had their arms crossed as they spoke to each other, like Mateo and I weren’t even in the room.
Mateo rolled his eyes. “Don’t mind them. They forget it’s rude to speak a second language in front of those who don’t speak it.”
“Thank you, Mr. Ramirez but I’m not bothered by it.” Turning my attention to Dmitriy, I locked eyes with him. “And no, I’m not being modest. I’m being pragmatic. I don’t like to lead my clients astray if I feel there might be a better person for the job.”
His eyebrows shot up. “You speak Russian.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Amongst other languages, yes. I minored in linguistics. Now, if this is just about property law–”
“What other languages?”
Sighing, I tried not to show the bite in my tone as I replied to him. “I know eight other languages, Mr. Volkov. Is there a specific language you’re asking about?”
A slow smirk ghosted over his face but he said no more. Stoic silence seemed to be his style, apparently.
This conversation was getting off track so I did my best to refocus on the topic at hand. “In regards to the work–”
“I didn’t know you spoke Russian. She speaks excellent Spanish though,” Mateo interrupted me, smiling at the other men. I ground my teeth.
“Mr. Ramirez. I’d like to discuss the work that needs to be done. I’m sure we’ve all got places to be on a Saturday and I’d like to catch the train before the storm gets any worse,” I snapped. I can’t stand it when I’m interrupted, especially by men. They think because they’ve got dangly bits between their legs, what they had to say was more important. Mateo shot me a sheepish look and fell silent.
“You’re hired.”
It was the first time Liam spoke to me and with the intense look on his face, I honestly couldn’t tell if he was suspicious of me or just observing me. Frowning, I turned to fully face him.
“I’m sorry, what?”
His gaze traveled over me but it didn’t feel like he was checking me out. It more felt like he was sizing me up and my hackles went up almost immediately.
“I said you’re hired.”
Without any further explanation, he spun on his heel, moving to sit behind the desk directly across from the elevator. His eyes on the papers in front of him, he was obviously no longer interested in being part of the conversation so I turned my attention back to Mateo.
“What exactly am I supposed to be doing? No one has explained it to me.”
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “We’ve had issues lately with some of the builders. Trying to draw things out, do shoddy work and such. And we found out the last lawyer was in cahoots so that he could charge extra. We hired a new construction team and we need someone we can trust to guide this project. You have helped me in the past and even finished the job early. You are definitely the woman for the job.”
Curling my hands into fists, I resisted the urge to start twisting my fingers. An old nervous habit I got over in college. For some reason in front of these three, the habit was rearing its head. I wanted this job and I knew I could do it well but the voice of my father kept playing in my head, telling me I’m not good enough. Internally, I shook my head. I wanted this job for a reason. To get out from beneath his thumb and show the world I wasn’t just my father’s daughter.
“Alright. I’ll draw up a contract and have it delivered to you by Monday.”
Liam pulled a manilla folder out of the piles on his desk, handing it to Dmitriy who offered it to me. I frowned at it, glancing inside. Apparently, he already drew up his own contract.
“Feel free to look it over. If you accept the proposal, we will expect you back here Monday morning. Jaime is waiting for you outside to give you a ride home when you’re ready.” Liam didn’t even look up from his paperwork when he said that. I frowned at him before offering my hand to Dmitriy. He squeezed my hand, his eyes narrowed, and when I didn’t flinch he nodded once, seeming satisfied.
Mateo swept his hand toward the door. “Let me walk you out.”
When we finally stopped by the elevators, I let out a long breath. Being in that room felt like trying to walk through molasses, the tension was so thick. I thought Dmitriy was going to be the most intimidating but Liam O’Connor made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I wasn’t entirely sure about taking the job.
“I can tell you are wary. I admit, I was too when I first met him. He’s not that bad once you get to know him,” Mateo assured me, putting a hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture. I glanced at it and turned my attention back to him.
“Mr. Ramirez, I don’t know if I’ve given you the wrong impression but I don’t like being that familiar with my clients and I have no interest in changing that.”
He flinched, jerking his hand away. “Lo siento. I meant no harm. After meeting my wife, I became part of this group and the atmosphere is very relaxed. I forget myself sometimes. It won’t happen again.”
He looked generally remorseful so I let it go. When he started looking upset, I decided to throw him a bone. “I didn’t know you got married.”