Page 59 of Illicit Desires
He chuckled. “No. I love Jo but I’ll have more opportunities to drag you into the bathroom for a quickie if I’m around you all day.”
Rolling my eyes, I shoved his shoulder. I wasn’t rough about it, he was still healing, but he laughed and exaggerated the strength of it, pretending to stumble back. Catching him by the front of his jacket, I drew him back to me, pressing my lips against his.
“You’ll be working for me now, handsome, and I’ve got rules in the office.”
He grinned, jerking his chin at me. “Do tell.”
Chapter Thirty Four (Epilogue)
With everything that happened,I almost forgot that a holiday was fast approaching. Sure, there were decorations all through the O’Connor house and even at the tower but I put them out of my mind, focusing on putting together my new contract with Liam and leaving my old office. They were none too pleased about my quick exit but they got over it after a quick call from Liam. Jaime helped me pack up my little office and bring it to the tower where I got thoroughly distracted filling those shelves I’ve been eyeing since I started. I met with Carl about the changes I wanted done and he was happy to get it done for me since he and his crew have been making out really well after my changes to the contract.
A knock on my door pulled my focus from organizing the books on the shelves and I turned to find James standing there with an exasperated look on his face.
“James? What’s wrong?”
He sighed. “Jaime wants me to give you a ride home tonight. He said he had something he needed to do but he wouldn’t tell me what. The roads have been cleared so there isn’t any danger in driving.”
Nodding slowly, I frowned. Jaime never missed bringing me home. He said it made him feel better if he was the one driving me since it made me so uncomfortable to be in a car in the winter. James is a safe driver but I was confused as to what reason Jaime would have to miss it.
“Okay… Give me five minutes, alright?”
He nodded and headed back to the elevator to wait for me. Grabbing my phone, I dialed Jaime, holding it between my ear and my shoulder while I packed up the paperwork I was bringing home with me. The building would be shut down for the next two weeks for the holidays and I wanted to get some stuff done at home.
“Hey, baby.”
“Jaime, where are you? Why is James giving me a ride home?”
He chuckled. “It’s a surprise. Come upstairs when you get home. I’ll see you soon.”
He hung up and my confusion only grew. What was he up to?
James chatted idly on the way home about spending his holiday with his girlfriend. I’ve met her, she’s the head of IT who Jaime had mentioned when I first arrived. They were apparently planning to visit her family so he would be taking a few days off for the first time.
“It sounds like you guys are going to have fun.”
He nodded. “Yeah and I got it easy with Elizabeth. She always has stuff on her wishlist so getting her presents was simple.”
Rolling my lips between my teeth, I held back a laugh. Jaime has been complaining non stop to anyone who would listen that I wouldn’t give him any ideas for Christmas presents. I felt a little guilty but I didn’t generally celebrate holidays and if I was with my family, presents weren’t really exchanged. I didn’t want anything fancy anyway. I just wanted to spend the night with Jaime watching movies and making love. That was the perfect way to spend the holiday in my mind.
James pulled up in front of the O’Connor house. I haven’t gone back to my apartment since the night my father attacked. I couldn’t stomach it. Jaime and a few other security guys went back to pick up my clothes and toiletries so I didn’t have to and I’ve avoided even thinking about it. I still haven’t heard a word about Samwise…
“Have a good holiday, Rebecca.”
Waving, I slipped out of the SUV when one of the security guys pulled the door open for me. I made James promise he wouldn’t get out since he wasn’t staying, he was going home right after dropping me off, and once I got inside he drove off.
The house was just as active as normal. People were bustling about, staff preparing for the holiday party the O’Connors would have on Christmas Eve, security going in and out almost constantly. I handed Marcus my coat with a smile before heading upstairs to look for Jaime.
Pushing open the door to our room, I frowned at the darkness. He said to meet him upstairs…
Flicking on the light I came up short and burst out laughing. “Jaime! What in the world!”
He was lounging across the bed in nothing but bright red boxer briefs and a Santa hat, his head propped up by his hand.
“Merry Christmas, baby.”
Snickering, I shook my head, kicking off my shoes before crawling onto the bed to greet him. “You didn’t seriously have James drop me off just so you could wait here for me half naked, did you?”
His answering grin drew out those drool worthy dimples and when I nipped at his lip, he chuckled.