Page 7 of Illicit Desires
By the time we made it to the station, I was shivering and Jaime had migrated closer to me like if we somehow stood next to each other we wouldn’t freeze. Given that he was taller than me and sometimes blocked the wind, I let him. We hustled through the crowds until we were safely ensconced in one of the trains, shaking out the snow from our jackets.
Jaime made a face. “I get that cars make you nervous but I think I’d rather drive.”
Shaking my head, I held on to one of the bars next to the seats, checking to make sure my briefcase did its job and no documents were damaged or wet. “I did say not to come with me but you didn’t listen.”
“It’s my job, sweetheart. Besides, I’d feel like a dick if I just watched you walk away without escorting you back.”
I gave him a flat look. “Don’t call me that.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What do I call you then?”
“Sloan works. That’s what most people call me.” I never really liked being referred to only by my connection to my father but it wasn’t like I was going to be changing my name.
Jaime didn’t look overly impressed by the name so either he was unaware of who my father was or he just didn’t care. “Unless you’re in the military, I don’t really see people using last names as first names. Your name is Rebecca. Why not Bex?”
A shudder rolled through me and I glared at him. “Absolutely not.”
He grinned slowly. “Why not? I think it’s a good name.”
Scowling, I turned away from him, determined to ignore him for the rest of the ride. Unfortunately, Saturdays were always pretty congested on the trains and he ended up plastered against me with the crowd pressed all around us. I did my best not to pay any attention to it but his coat and jacket were parted in the front and even through the layers of my own jacket, I could feel the solid wall of muscles rubbing up against me with every jerk and turn of the train.
He leaned to whisper in my ear and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “Why are you blushing?”
Goosebumps traveled down my spine and I had to clear my throat before I could respond. “It’s warm in here. Haven’t you noticed?”
He chuckled low, pressing closer to me like he knew I was lying. I elbowed him and he let out a grunt but it did nothing to sour his mood. I was starting to think there was nothing that could take the smile from his face.
My station was called over the speaker and I readied myself to bully my way through the crowd but once Jaime noticed, he grabbed my hand and tucked me behind him. The crowd seemed to move for him and we made it onto the platform without anyone complaining. Confused, I glanced towards the doors just as they slid closed before turning back to face him.
“How’d you do that?”
He grinned. “Most of the people between us and the doors were women and I noticed them staring a lot. I only had to smile at them to get them to make room.”
I rolled my eyes so hard it almost hurt. He still hadn’t let go of my hand so I jerked it away, following the crowd out of the station. Jaime was right behind me and once we hit the street, he matched my stride again.
When we stopped in front of my building, Jaime’s eyebrows went up. “Nice place.”
Feeling smug, I replied, “It’s even better on the inside.” My stomach dropped and I grimaced. “That came out wrong.” It was suggestive and given the heated smirk on Jaime’s face, that’s how he took it too. Clearing my throat and taking a step back, I gestured to the building.
“Well… thank you for the escort I guess. I’ve got a lot to do. It was nice meeting you…”
Spinning on my heel, I fled, my face on fire. I really don’t know what it is about Jaime that leaves me so flustered but hopefully I wouldn’t have to see him again. Even if I accepted the job with Mr. O’Connor, I wouldn’t need a ride into work. I did my best not to feel disappointed by that fact.
The doorman greeted me as I walked in. I never would’ve been able to afford this place without the payout from Mateo. It honestly wasn’t that difficult of a job but he was so ecstatic by the outcome that he paid me twice my annual salary. I balked and tried to refuse but he just ignored me and transferred the money. He paid me even more the second time around. That one was a bit more difficult since someone was trying to sue him but I tore the opposing team apart and even got Mateo a payout for defamation. He paid me so well that I was able to afford a condo in a nice neighborhood and even a car, though I don’t use it that often anymore. I used to use it to visit home but I haven’t been home in over a year.
The building was short, seven stories, but that didn’t make it any less luxurious than the towers downtown. A rotating door led into the lobby with dark hardwood floors and soft colors. My second floor condo was at the end of the hall and it was nice and quiet. There was a long waitlist for this place but apparently when Mateo eventually wore me down enough to talk about something as personal as where I wanted to move, he took it upon himself to make some phone calls and I was immediately moved to the top of the list. And since this place was so gorgeous, I couldn’t make myself turn it down. I only moved in six months ago but I looked forward to coming home every day.
Unlocking my door,I let out a long breath, leaning back against it as it swung closed. This entire day had been a rollercoaster and I was in serious need of a drink. Or a man. Since I was actively avoiding both, I settled on a hot cocoa and a snuggle from the one man in my life that I can trust. My cat, Samwise, raced into the room, meowing insistently at my arrival. After removing my coat and suit jacket and kicking off my heels, I bent down, letting him leap onto my shoulder before I headed to the kitchen.
The kitchen was bright and open and probably a little too fancy for me. I could cook but I didn’t often. I was usually too busy. All marble counters, a farmhouse sink, and a gas stove with eight burners. Who needs that many? Pretty sure I’ve only used one. The island was long and tucked into the walls, making one giant pass through to the dining room beyond it. I opened my fridge, pulling out some milk, and sighed at the contents. I really need to go to the store sometime soon. Glancing out the window in the living room, I shuddered. Not tonight though. I pulled out a little bag of kittie treats since it was too early for me to feed Samwise just yet, dropping a couple in his bowl. He jumped down to eat his snack while I prepped my cocoa.
Once my drink was warm, I settled myself on the couch with a throw over my lap and the contract in front of me. The storm was making the room too dark so I put my cocoa on the coffee table long enough to clap my hands twice. The lights in the room switched on and I smirked. It was a gag gift from the office when they found out it was my birthday but I freaking love it. Warm light bathed the room and I settled in, putting my legs down when Samwise came to join me.
My phone rang before I could get past the first few pages and I answered it without looking at it. Big mistake.
“Rebecca, dear, it’s your mother.”