Page 13 of Rekindled Desires
James shoved Kyle onto the floor, standing over him with his arms crossed. Jaime plopped himself onto the edge of the bed next to Jo, looking lazy but I could see the undertone of tension in his face.
“Grab his phone. That’s where he stored them originally, yes?” Yuri said.
James held out his hand to Kyle, waiting. Kyle scowled, handing it to him. James tossed it to Yuri. This whole time, James had yet to look at me. He stood with his back to me, his focus on Kyle.
“I fucking hate these new finger swipe password things. They are a pain in the ass. Hey, dickhead. Unlock this.” Yuri tossed the phone back to Kyle, who smirked.
“You can’t make me do shit. I don’t know what you were hoping was going to happen sending these muscle heads after me, Lizzy. Whatever it is, it won’t work.”
His face suddenly fell, his gaze shifting behind me. I didn’t even need to look over my shoulder to know that Jo was once again armed and pointing her weapon in Kyle’s direction. James squatted in front of him, blocking his view of me. His voice was low and forceful.
“I don’t think you understand what’s happening right now. You can either do what we say and live, or I’ll kill you just for hurting her. Either way, our problem is solved. Now, are you going to open the phone or am I going to have to make you?”
I couldn’t see Kyle’s face at first but he must have believed James because he unlocked his phone and handed it to him. James stood, handing the phone back to Yuri. When he finally stepped away, I could see Kyle and resisted the urge to snort. His face was normally pasty but now it was full blown milky white, his eyes wide. He slumped farther down the wall, almost laying on the floor to keep himself away from James.
The room was quiet for a while, the only sounds being the keys clacking on the keyboard and Jo and Jaime whispering to each other. Kyle kept his eyes on the floor for the most part. He glared at me once and got punched in the face for it.
“Found it. Little shit copied it onto his computer under a file named ‘blackmail’. Idiot.”
Kyle tried to peer around to see the computer screen but flinched when James stepped near him again.
“Is that it?”
Yuri waved his hand dismissively so James turned to Kyle. “Is that it or do you have it somewhere else?” When Kyle opened his mouth, James interrupted him. “And don’t fucking lie to me. My patience is already running thin with you.”
Kyle’s jaw snapped shut for a moment, considering his options before shaking his head. “That’s it. I copied it onto my computer as backup in case she stole my phone or something.”
It sounded plausible and I was ready to believe it until Yuri spoke again.
“Do you back up your phone to the cloud?”
Kyle froze. I tightened my grip on Gabi’s hand. He was just caught in a lie and James already threatened to kill him. Would he? He works for the mob. It probably wouldn’t be the first time. Would he do it here? I felt panic starting to build again and I turned away, hiding against Gabi’s shoulder.
I heard a shout and scrambling but I refused to open my eyes. A sob escaped me and Gabi wrapped her arms around my shoulders.
“James, hold on,” Jo called out. I felt her leave the bed but I couldn’t hear what she was whispering harshly to James.
“Yeah, okay. Jaime, stay here with the girls. Me and my new friend are going to take a walk.” His voice was cold, dripping venom. I opened my eyes in time to see him haul Kyle out by the back of his shirt, the door slamming behind him.
Yuri sucked in a breath. “Okay, I found them. I’m going to delete them and make sure they’re gone.”
I saw one of the images pop up on the screen before he turned the screen away. Jo and Gabi didn’t miss it though, their gasps loud in the otherwise quiet room. I buried my face in my hands, my shoulders shaking. It didn’t matter that they were here to help me, I was humiliated and ashamed and I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole.
I want to disappear.
* * *
Yuri was on the phone, his cell trapped between his shoulder and his ear as he finished up whatever he was doing. Jaime’s phone rang next and he answered it without hesitation.
“Yeah boss.”
I hugged my middle, trying to fight back the nausea. Gabi still hovered close but she didn’t touch me anymore, giving me space. Jo was at Jaime’s side, trying to listen to their conversation.
“Liam wants you home, Jo. He says you can come back tomorrow, but something came up.”
I thought she’d argue, she’s been arguing since she got here but she only nodded. “Okay, but not until James is back. I don’t want Elizabeth left alone.”