Page 27 of Rekindled Desires
“Yes, but I can’t stay too long. I’m technically on shift.”
I closed the fridge, wrapping myself around him. “You’re a busy man.”
He straightened, wrapping his arms around me and resting his cheek on my head. “I know. I would come back over afterwards but I don’t know what time I’m going to be done.”
It was a nice idea but not practical. I had work in the morning, and if I didn’t finish the debugging by tomorrow morning, Mr. Doolittle would lose his mind. I nodded, pulling myself tighter against him. We stayed cuddled like that for a while, just enjoying our time together. We finally pulled apart when his phone rang, marking the end of the evening.
I was browsing the fridge again while he was on the phone. I jumped when he wrapped himself around me. For such a big guy, he was surprisingly light on his feet.
“I’m going to need my shirt back, baby.”
A wicked grin crossed my face and I turned slowly in his arms.
“So take it.”
Hunger burned in his eyes as he slowly unbuttoned the shirt. He hoisted me onto the counter, kissing my shoulders and the tops of my breasts as he pushed it off of me. His phone went off again and he groaned loudly. I snickered. About time he felt what I did whenever that phone interrupted us. He pulled it out of his pocket, stepping back to answer it. Sliding off the counter, I let his shirt drop to the floor, grinning at his pained expression before sashaying out of the room.
After James left,I changed into leggings and a graphic tee, tossing a hoodie on when the room got chilly. It’s summer but I had the window cracked so the breeze could come through. I logged onto my computer, deciding to stream a bit before bed. I played a horror game, scaring myself silly. I really shouldn’t play games like that before bed. I always ended up paranoid and jumpy by the end of it. I logged off my game, checking the locks on all the windows and doors before deciding to watch an episode or two of anime to help calm me down before bed.
I was halfway through an episode when I heard a noise. I jerked my headphones off, frowning. Still paranoid from the game, I stepped away from my computer, poking my head out of the room. I almost thought I imagined it until it happened again. It sounded like the doorknob was moving.
Panic dumped into my system and I froze. Maybe it was someone who was drunk and trying to come into the wrong room. It happened from time to time. Never to me, but people have mentioned it. I held my breath, listening until it stopped. I wasn’t expecting what happened next.
Just as I was about to write it off, something slammed into the door. I screamed, spinning to hide in my room when I realized I left my phone on the counter in the kitchen. I couldn’t call for help if I didn’t grab it first. I twisted, lunging for it. My hand closed around it right as the frame of the door started to crack. Racing for my room, I threw the door closed and locked it. If the front door wasn’t going to hold these guys, I don’t think my door would either. I sobbed, unsure what to do next.
The only thing I could think of was calling James. The phone rang twice as the front door splintered more and more. I worried he wouldn’t pick up in time but he did just as another loud noise slammed against the front door.
“Elizabeth? What–”
“James! Someone is trying to break in! They’ve almost got the front door open!” I screeched. Sure enough, I heard cracking and what sounded like the door being slammed against the wall. Pretty sure they were inside now.
“Run! There’s a fire escape outside your window, get out now! I’m on my way.”
I rushed to do as he said, heaving the window open. It was heavy, it took weeks to unseal it from when the landlord accidentally painted it shut. I wiggled out as soon as there was a crack big enough, right as my bedroom door knob jiggled. I raced down the fire escape, almost tripping when I heard my bedroom window shatter, raining glass down on my head. I was climbing down the ladder when the fire escape began to shake. I looked up, watching as black figures raced down after me. I was hyperventilating, my hands sweaty and I slipped off the last few rungs, landing on my back. I heard glass crunch under me but I felt no pain.
Rolling over, I turned to dash out of the alley when more figures appeared, shouting at me. I spun, racing the other direction. I could only hope I didn’t step on any needles or anything back here because I wasn’t wearing any shoes. I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me, whimpering as the sound of footsteps grew louder behind me. I was never a fast runner, I only ran when I absolutely had to. The only thing keeping me going right now was fear and adrenaline. I wasn’t far from the end of the alley when I felt a hand snag my hood. I screamed, trying to wrench away from them.
Suddenly, the screech of tires echoed through the alley. James pulled up at the end in a fancy sports car not far from me. He stepped out of the car, pulling out a gun. He didn’t hesitate, he immediately started firing. Whoever was holding me panicked and released me. I lunged forward, almost losing my footing as I flew to James’s car. I threw myself inside right as he did, the door slamming shut as he slammed on the gas.
He raced away from the apartment, constantly glancing out the rearview mirror like he worried they’d follow us. He jerked around corners, coming to a stop inside what looked like a construction zone. He turned, reaching for me and I threw myself at him, sobbing.
“You’re okay, you’re okay.” He kept repeating it over and over again and I couldn’t tell if he was trying to convince me or him.
Someone jerked James’s door open and I screamed, clinging to him.
“Shit. Sorry, we gotta move. Let’s get her in the SUV, it’s safer.”
James shifted, his hand coming up under my knees and carried me out of the car, rushing to the familiar SUV. He jumped into the back, slamming the door behind him and it immediately started moving.
“Is she hurt?”
“I don’t know, I can’t see shit. Elizabeth, baby, are you hurt?”
I couldn’t answer him. My throat and chest felt tight, barely getting any air around the sobs. I felt James cupping my face, trying to move me so he could see me but I fought against him, squeezing my eyes shut as I pressed my face against his chest. The little lights in the back of the car clicked on.
“Damnit, one of you is bleeding but I can’t tell who. Your hands are all red. Get her to Sean. Now.”