Page 5 of Rekindled Desires
“No you weren’t, shut up,” Sienna argued.
“She was probably doing something embarrassing and thought it would be better to make something up,” Colin remarked.
“You guys suck.”
They all laughed but it was all in good fun. I did get a private message from Charlotte though.
C: r u telling the truth
E: yes
C: ?? no way
I snickered,typing out the details as quickly as I could. The group was ready to play and I was lagging behind. After a few rounds, I all but forgot about the date, disappearing into the game and tuning out the world around me.
It was two a.m. before we finished. Charlotte spent most of the night trying to grill me about my date with James in the chat. It was easy enough to tell her he worked security without spilling any of the details. He probably didn’t want who he worked for just passed around. It was harder to hide though when she asked how we met. I mentioned on campus and now she thinks he’s a college security guard which made me laugh. I cleaned up a bit before bed, I had a tendency to snack and play and leave a mess because I was too busy to get up and throw stuff away. I only remembered that I had forgotten to text James when I laid down.
It felt too late to text him now but I didn’t want him to think I was blowing him off either. I typed up a quick message, sending it before I could chicken out.
E: Sorry I forgot to send u my # this is Elizabeth btw
I figuredhe’d answer in the morning but my phone rang the minute I set it down. I picked it up hesitantly.
“Why are you awake so late?”
I could hear people talking and loud noises in the background.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I was playing a game with my friends. Why are you awake so late?”
“I’m working.”
I frowned, checking the time again before putting the phone back to my ear. “It’s after two though.”
He snorted. “I could say the same thing to you. I work odd hours. Why were you playing so late?”
I rolled onto my stomach, hugging my pillow. “We always play this late. It's when all our schedules are free.”
I heard someone shout something in the background and the phone muffled for a minute as he replied.
“Hey, I gotta go. We’ve still got a few things to do here. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
I was really glad he couldn’t see the huge smile that spread over my face when he said that. “Okay. See you tomorrow.”
When he hung up, I squealed and buried my face into my pillow. I had a crush on the mafia boss’s bodyguard and he was coming back over tomorrow. I never thought I’d say something like that in my entire life.
James cameover every day that week. He usually showed up right after lunch and took off after dinner. It honestly didn’t matter to me much because he always showed up and that mattered most. Today was different though. He had the day off and we were going out. It was getting close to Christmas and I wanted to figure out something to get him but so far the only hobby he mentioned was working out.
He showed up at my door at nine sharp. I didn’t even complain about waking up early because I was so excited. I threw the door open, freezing as I took him in. This was the first time I saw him outside a suit. He had on a tight long sleeve shirt and jeans under his winter coat, showcasing every single inch of muscle. I wouldn’t be surprised if I started drooling right now.
I tried to go for cute since most of the time he saw me in hoodies and graphic tees with leggings. I chose a pink fluffy cowl neck sweater dress and boots. I didn’t own a ton of girly stuff, mostly because I felt too awkward and uncomfortable when I wore stuff like that, but I liked this outfit. With my hair up in a messy bun and some makeup, I felt pretty good about it. Especially when I answered my door and his jaw dropped.