Page 8 of Rekindled Desires

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Page 8 of Rekindled Desires

I tucked my room key into the pocket of the dress. Technically, this outfit wasn’t supposed to have pockets but I didn’t want to carry a bag, it would ruin the look so I made my own and hid it in the creases of the dress. Charlotte said she wouldn’t have even known it was there unless I told her about it.

I got lucky getting a room at the hotel, usually they ran out quickly with events like this. Since I was hoping to have my friends stay with me, I got a room with two queen beds. It was like any other hotel, the bathroom by the door, the beds along one wall with a tv on top of a dresser on the opposite side and in the corner near the window was a table and two chairs. Now that it was just me, this room felt too big but at least we were all getting ready together here. I don’t think I’d have the nerve to go out there by myself to meet up with them.

* * *

The morning panelswere good and we managed to get a good walk through of the anime hall before the crowds started pouring in but now it was past lunchtime and it was crowded as hell. Nikki had already disappeared to save us seats for the next panel and Charlotte was flirting with one of the many guys dressed as Spiderman. I leaned against a wall, blowing hair out of my face. I remember these conventions being more fun when there was a huge group of us.

“Excuse me, can you help us?”

I glanced over my shoulder. Two women stood at my side, their eyes wide as they looked around the room. I fought a smile. You could pick out the new people right away, they always looked a little freaked out. Luckily, I felt more confident talking to people at conventions. I felt like I could hide behind my costume and just be without worrying about being awkward.

“What’s up?”

I frowned when I looked closely at them. Where do I know you from?

The closest one jerked her attention back to me, giving me a small smile. She had shoulder length wavy brown hair and bright brown eyes. She wasn’t in a costume. Instead, she wore a knee length skirt and a nice blouse. She looked a little fancy for this kind of event but hey who was I to judge. Her friend looked like she belonged in a costume though. She had wild red hair and bright green eyes. She could pull off a Merida outfit without even trying, instead of the jeans and t-shirt she had gone with.

“We were supposed to meet our friends here, but I think we are lost. Do you know your way around?”

I bobbed my head. This was my sixth year at this convention, I knew it like the back of my hand by now. “Sure, where did they say you were supposed to meet?”

The second one chewed her lip, frowning. “Um… I think they said something about a stage, but I could barely hear them on the phone. It’s really loud in here.”

I pursed my lips. There were a couple stages, one for panels and another for the cosplay competitions. I could show them to both but they were on opposite ends of the convention center. “Did they mention what was going to happen on stage?”

The first one made a face. “No.”

I sighed. It was really not nice to try and get newbies to find their way around on their own. Their friends must be real dicks or new themselves.

“Alright, well there are two stages but they’re at opposite ends. Why don’t we start at the one in the anime hall since it’s closer?”

They both beamed at me. I quick texted Charlotte where I was going before we made our way through the crowded hall. When we almost got separated, they both decided to attach themselves to my arms. I felt really glad I was getting past my social anxiety. At least with girls. Guys on the other hand still made me really nervous.

“I’m Jo, by the way. That’s Gabi.”

“Elizabeth. Is this your first time here?” I already knew the answer but I figured it was polite to ask.

“Yeah, I really didn’t think it would be this crazy! Who knew there were a bunch of people into the same stuff as you, Gabi.”

Gabi stuck out her tongue at her friend. “Shut up. Just because you prefer your nose in a book doesn’t make you any less of a nerd than me. At least my hobby has a social aspect.”

Jo snorted. “I have plenty of social aspects at home. It’s a little too social sometimes. Would it kill them to have at least one quiet day?”

They continued to chat, oblivious to what was going on around them. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they weren’t even interested in the convention, though Jo did mention Gabi was into stuff like this.

“So, how long have you been coming here?” Jo queried, shifting closer to me to avoid a group of particularly rowdy cosplayers.

“Um… this is my sixth year I guess. I missed one year while I studied abroad but other than that, I come every year.” Though this might be my last year. I don’t know if I’ll be able to convince my friends to come next year. This year was hard enough.

“Wow! That’s insane! I don’t think I’ve ever had a tradition that long,” Gabi shouted. I flinched, she was a little too close for shouting. I understood the urge, it was loud in here, but she was still clinging to my arm. She flashed me an apologetic look. “Sorry.” She lowered her voice that time.

“So, are you married?”

I frowned at her until she pointed at the ring on my left hand. I laughed. “No, I wear that to conventions. It keeps all but the particularly persistent guys at bay.” I didn’t need to mention that no guy was ever good enough. Not since James.

My stomach twisted. It still hurts to think about him even after all this time. We only went out for a week but he treated me better than any other guy I’ve met, before and since, if you left out the whole trying to force me to stay thing. I thought about calling him after I got back but I decided against it. I still haven’t forgiven him for ruining my acceptance to the study abroad program. I spent most of the two weeks before I left crying. The only thing that pulled me out of the funk was when I got on that plane. I kept busy while I was there so I wouldn’t pine over him and it really had been the best experience of my life. I just wish I could have told him about it.

When we made it to the back of the anime hall where the stage was, a guy waved and the girls waved back.

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