Page 104 of The New Gods
I was burning up, but more than that, I burned for him. He wanted me—me—
Only me.
In this room, there was only the two of us. His fingers skimmed the underside of my breast as his head dipped again. “I’m obsessed with these,” he said the second before he suckled me hard.
With each pull, the tightness in my center grew. It ached in time with my thudding pulse, and I needed something.
Achilles drew back suddenly, so goosebumps lifted on the spots his lips left. He stared down at me, eyes nearly black in the dim light.
In one smooth move, he rolled off the bed. The button on his jeans was undone—had that been me?Pushing his hair back from his face, he paced next to me. “Tell me, Leo, tell me now if you don’t want me. If this is just your body calling to mine, I’ll go. If it’s more, though…”
He fixed a gaze on me, so open it made me want to cry.If it’s more.He wasn’t looking to scratch an itch, he wanted more.
“It’s more.” It was everything.
With hurried, jerky movements, Achilles shed his jeans and socks and underwear and stood before me, chest heaving, dick erect, and waited.
“Come here.” I opened my arms and spread my legs, wanting to welcome him with every part of me.
He hesitated only for a second before he was there, weight on mine, length grinding against my hot, pulsing core.
Pulling back, he stared down at me. “There hasn’t been anyone for a hundred years, Leo, and I can’t get you pregnant. I wish I could.” His hand went to my stomach, and he shook his head. “But I can’t.”
I’d never done this without a condom, but I’d also never done this wanting so badly I couldn’t breathe.
“It’s primal,” he whispered. “I’ve never wanted children, or what Hector had, but with you… I want no doubt. I want every person who sees you to know you’re mine.”
I opened my mouth to reply, because it was something I never considered. Children. My only experience with a family had been hurtful, and I’d decided I wouldn’t risk becoming what my parents were.
I’d never hurt someone the way I was hurt.
But it wasn’t possible, and something inside me eased as I realized, I didn’t have to worry about it anymore.
“Leo?” he asked.
I sat up, put my hand behind his neck, and dragged him to me. I held his face between my palms gently, because I wanted him to know this meant something to me. Something big and new and special.
Achilles’ tongue dragged against mine, delving deep and then withdrawing as his body pushed and rolled over mine. I opened to him, ankles wrapped around his back, holding him so close.
Our breathing filled the room, but that was it. There was only the two of us in the entire world.
One long finger slid between my underwear and body, and there was a sudden rip as Achilles pulled it off of me. He pressed his palm over me, then gently slid two fingers between my cleft.
I ripped my mouth away to gasp at the sensation. Another huge hand gripped my ass, holding me close as our bodies thrust against each other. His mouth moved to my throat and I arched beneath him, curving to get closer.
His fingers danced between my legs, one long digit circling me and then diving deep into me. I gasped and instinctively closed my legs around his hips so hard that he groaned.
Moving my hands from his face, I stroked down his back to his ass, gripping tight. “I need you.” Though need seemed too simple a word for what I was feeling. If he didn’t get inside me, I would die. Everything in me begged for him to fill me.
He removed his fingers, leaving a hollow empty ache, and I made a noise of protest.
Reaching between us, I grasped him. He was so hot, and thick, and I had a moment of concern that he wouldn’t fit.