Page 117 of The New Gods
With one hand, she held the seal, and gazed toward us. “What do we do now?” Her gaze was steady and clear, without an ounce of fear.
After all that, she was looking at us like we were her partners and in it—whatever this was—with her.
I wanted to kiss her. Hold her. Protect her.
I didn’t know what our plan was, but I knew for her, I could face a pantheon of gods.
“Here.” I held open her bag, and she dropped the seal inside. The second it wasn’t touching her skin, I pulled her into my arms. I didn’t care about the wind rushing through the broken windows, the distant shriek of sirens, or the shouts of the people who’d rushed out of this room without taking a moment to check on her.
I had to hold her. I kissed her head, her cheeks, her lips. The images the seal had shown us were burned onto my brain, and I wished, like I’d never wished for anything, that I could go through time and murder the god who put his hands on her.
No one else recognized the flame-haired bastard from her memory, but I did. And when I saw him again, I would do more than trap Poseidon. I would rip him limb from limb, drawing out the pain, and the whole time, I would remind him of why this was happening.
Of whose woman he’d dared touch.
“Mine.” I kissed her again. “Tell me you’re mine, Leo. Tell me you feel what I feel.”
She was quick to answer. “I do. I am.”
Achilles clapped my shoulder, forcing me to pull away. I opened my mouth to tell him to bugger off, but one look at his wrecked expression had me swallowing my words. “Please,” he whispered, and I released her.
She went to him unafraid, arms wrapped around his neck as he lifted her into the air, embracing her.
“Ours,” I heard him whisper. “You’re mine as much as his.”
It didn’t hurt to hear him tell her that, instead, it eased something inside me.Us. Ours.
“What are you doing in here?” A member of the fire brigade burst through the door. “This building isn’t safe. Get out!”
Achilles kissed her softly as he released her, only drawing back when her toes touched the ground.
“Come on.” He moved to take her hand, but before he touched her, Hector had taken it.
“Let’s go.” His voice was hard, but there was a slight tremble to it.
Staring up at him, Leo stood in place even as the man from the fire brigade yelled at us.
As I watched, Hector’s expression softened. He leaned down, pressed a kiss on her cheek, and then turned his head to whisper in her ear.
It was like watching the sun come out. Leo’s expression lightened, lips shaping a smallo,before lifting into a smile.
Her gaze stayed on his as he led her out of the room, with the rest of us trailing along behind.
“Give me a chance,” I whispered in Leo’s ear.
Her gaze held mine, searching, and then changed. I wanted her to see what I was feeling, but it had been a long time since I let my walls come down. The distance I’d been keeping between us was gone now. It had been smashed into smithereens the second I was drawn into her memory.
I saw her fight. I felt her anger and betrayal when the goddess she worshipped threw her away like garbage.
I wasn’t going to fight this anymore—the growing emotion that was tying me to this woman with something stronger than steel.