Page 108 of The Shadow Gods
Athena's wings twitched, and she shifted from foot to foot. “They're coming.”
The gods.
She was ready to escape, but something held her in place, and it wasn't Achilles. She should have had the strength to disappear or fly. Instead, she twitched.
It was probably her connection to the gods that made her feel them first. When I had, it had been like being blasted in the stomach. Only once before had I faced all of them at the same time. Then, stitched together and aching from the pain of losing my family, they’d used their strength to frighten me. Their potential to hurt me and my brother had flayed me to the bone.
Now, I felt the gods like a breeze over my skin. Maybe they meant it to frighten me or bowl me over, but it didn't. It cooled the heat of my anger, made me tense my muscles and get ready.
Achilles glanced once at Athena before striding toward us. He blew past me, wrapped Leo in his arms, and lifted her off her feet.
“It's almost done,” he said quietly.
Paris touched her shoulder, easing her body to his. “I love you.”
She kissed him. Pollux was next, whispering something in her ear that made her close her eyes tight and smile, a beam of sunlight peeking through clouds. Then came Orestes.
Leo put her hand on her chest, then on Orestes. “You brought me back.”
He nodded. “You belong with us.”
Her serpents hovered around her, observers to our declarations. It should have felt strange, but it didn't. They were her strength and her protection. They were her.
Across the cave, Athena sucked in a breath. She hadn't moved. Hadn't dropped her hands from her face.
Staring at her, I could see the fear pouring off her.
Good. She'd done enough harm in this life. I hoped she was terrified of what was coming.
Because I wasn't afraid. I was going to end this.
Ifelt the gods. They made the air heavy and warm, stifling. It was uncomfortable, and I wondered if this sensation was some ancient instinct within me, warning me of incoming danger.
Athena cried out. Her hands dropped from her face as an invisible hand lifted her into the air. A moment later, a form appeared.
Muscular back. Blond, curling hair that touched broad shoulders.
“Father,” Athena cried.
The ground trembled, a rumble deeper than thunder filling the air and making my ears pop.
“I made you out of nothing, Athena. Did you really think I wouldn't find you?” He spoke with one voice and a thousand voices. Deep and resonant, there was no doubt who this god was.
Athena didn't answer. She was held aloft by Zeus's power. It crackled over his skin, lighting up the cave to throw shadows over the floor and walls. He lifted one hand and placed his thumb on her forehead. “None of you were worthy. Not Apollo. Not Ares. Not Aphrodite. None of you. And so, I return you to your original form and take what I gave you.”
Electric bolts of light zipped over Zeus's back as he pushed his thumb past Athena's skin into her head.
He was absorbing her, murdering her, like he must have the other gods and goddesses.None of you are worthy.His own father had done the same, and now it was just Zeus. One god, when once there'd been many.
It was then Athena looked away from him, and her gaze went straight to mine.
She smiled.
Unlike Poseidon, who must have had some measure of power when we met in Italy, Athena was running on empty. The five men who stood near me exploded into action, but for all their strength, they were facing a being who had created not just one realm, but many, and who was now swollen like a tick on the powers of every other being in the pantheon.