Page 60 of The Shadow Gods
“Don't hold back.”
He might have been talking to himself, or to me, but it didn't matter, because I couldn't. My body was obeying his commands. One more pump of his hips and I was done. With a gasp, lightning shot down my nerve endings, erupting in the most perfect release.
Orestes followed. Gritting his teeth, he held himself as deep as he could go. A long, low moan left him as he dropped his forehead to the back of my neck.
“Gods.” The word was barely above a whisper. “Everything with you is better.”
I leaned back and shut my eyes, feeling him wrap his arm around my waist and keep me tight to him.
“We need another shower,” I said, though moving held no appeal. His arm was the only thing keeping me upright. My knees were jelly, and the warmth of his body was making me sleepy.
“Then food,” he reminded me.
Groaning, I shook my head. “I'm not hungry.”
He kissed me and nibbled his way to one shoulder. “I am. And Achilles will have my head if I don't feed you.” He lowered his voice in what was clearly a bad impression of his friend. “The general demands our obedience.”
Withdrawing from my body, he let out a little sigh. “I don't want to move either. Gods, Leo, your body is perfect. I want hours to explore you.”
Turning, I peered up at him. “Me too. There's never enough time, is there?”
He shook his head, the warmth in his eyes fading until the gold turned hard like amber. “That's what all of this is for, though. My friends and I have had thousands of years, and none of it has meant what the last weeks have. We're going to make sure the gods never interfere in our lives again, and after that, we'll spend however much time we have left together.”
He pressed his lips against mine so hard it hurt. “That's the only reason I can give myself that makes leaving your body worth it.”
And what if we don't have more time?Unlike them, I wasn't ageless. I was something else, that was clear, but I could still die. I was sure of that. And what if something happened to them? What if they were injured beyond the point of healing?
My mind reared back from the thought of them ceasing to exit. Every single part of me rejected it. That couldn't happen. I wouldn't let it. I'd rather be dead and gone than imagine a world without them.
This wasn't me making a decision to sacrifice myself. I wasn't a martyr and I wasn't a saint, and I had no desire to leave them. It would rip me apart to be forced from them.
Which left one alternative.
Refuse to give up.
Orestes was right. We were going to make sure the gods never interfered in our lives again, because I had a lifetime I wanted to spend with these men.
Orestes and Leo joined us in our suite less than an hour after we'd gone to our respective rooms. Lifting my eyebrows, I waited for Orestes to meet my stare. His answer was a smug smile.
Jealousy would have eaten the old Paris alive. I never would have shared a woman. If my history told you anything, it was that I was willing to steal what I wanted.
This was different.
Leo was different.
And these were my brothers. I'd give my life for them.
Achilles ordered dinner, and like a general, he'd ordered enough for an army. The smell filled the room, making my mouth water. Over the past few days, I'd eaten when I had to, but I had no memory of what it was or what it tasted like. It was just fuel.
This was a feast. Like a thunderbolt, I suddenly remembered the last feast I'd eaten. The next day, Achilles had killed Hector in battle, and I'd killed him.
Thatchased my appetite away. Not wanting my sudden turn in mood to be picked up, I stacked my plate with fish and bread, pasta and vegetables, and dug in.
Maybe I was the only one with a knot in his stomach. Not even Hector seemed bothered. He laughed and ate and looked for any excuse to touch Leo.