Page 69 of The Shadow Gods
Laughing, he put his arm around my waist and steered me out the door. The other guys were talking in hushed tones that cut off when we appeared.
I didn't like that. “What is it?” I asked.
When none of them answered, I glanced up at Paris. He, however, was locked in a wordless conversation with his brother. After a long moment, he turned his head slowly to look down at me. “Sorry?” he asked.
I flicked a look toward the others. “Did I miss something?”
“No.” Achilles approached me, then threaded his hands through my hair until he could tilt my head back. “We were discussing the vision, but the ferry leaves early, and we all need the rest.”
A hand touched mine and I glanced over. Orestes had moved so quietly I hadn't heard him. He stood next to me, fingertips gently hooking onto mine. “Let's go back to our room.”
His gaze darted to Achilles, instantly making me suspicious. Hesitating, I hoped someone would fill me in, but no one did.
It made me feel on the outside of the group, and I hated it. But what could I do? There was no forcing them to confide in me, and whatever was causing all these serious faces and whispers wasn't for me to know.
Barely holding back a sigh, and praying my disappointment didn't make me whiny, I answered, “Okay.”
I let him lead me to the door. The guys murmured goodbyes, but no one came to hug me or kiss me goodnight. It hurt my feelings.
Orestes opened the door, giving me a gentle pull to lead me through, but I stopped him. “You know, you can trust me.” I made sure to make eye contact with each one of them. Only Achilles and Paris held my gaze. Pollux and Hector seemed to look everywhere except at me, but I knew they were listening, because Pollux dropped his chin to the floor, and Hector must have been grinding his teeth. That muscle in his jaw was a dead giveaway.
Still, they kept their secrets.
“Fine.” It was impossible to hide the hurt, but at least I didn't sound like a baby. “I'll see you tomorrow. I love you.”
It just slipped out.
I'd told Hector in private. And Orestes in private. Achilles, also, privately. I'd spoken of how strongly I felt for them, but I'd never just—bleh—laid it out like that.
Like the chicken I was, I spun on my heel and out the door.
Orestes strode behind me. “Leo.”
“Do you have the key?” I asked, trying the door to our suite. Of course, it was locked, but I jiggled the handle, anyway. “How stupid that I didn't think to grab it.”
He flashed the card in front of the reader and the door opened. Holding it, he waited for me to pass by.
“Leo,” he said quietly as the door closed with a softsnick.
“I didn't mean to say it like that,” I said. Trailing toward the living room, I stared out the window and ran the words over in my head. On repeat, they sounded silly and trite. I should have made it more meaningful.
“I know,” he replied from right behind me.
With a squeak, I whirled around, hand pressed to my heart. He put his hands on my hips, pulling me against him. He was hard and, instinctively, I rolled my hips against his.
Eyes fluttering closed, he shook his head. “I promised we'd sleep. Just sleep. We have to be ready for tomorrow.”
I couldn't help the way my body responded to his. The center of my body was hot, and my entire body tuned into his.
But he was right. It was the same thing Paris had said, and though I still thought seizing the day was the best philosophy, I was tired.
“Come on.” He tugged at the edge of my shirt, and I let him, lifting my arms when he brought it over my head. He unbuttoned my jeans, skimmed my socks off, and unhooked my bra.
I crossed my arms, uncomfortable being on display despite what we’d shared earlier. Also, he was fully dressed and the lights were on. Not to mention, I just told him I loved him, and he hadn't said it back.
Staring at me, he made quick work of his clothes until he only wore his boxer briefs. His cock was hard, tenting the front of the material and drawing my eye.
“Pretend it doesn't exist,” he murmured, linking our fingers.