Page 54 of One Kind Night
He could only be aware of what happened in this universe and his speech to Isabel about planning leading to other things made him curious about the future. Not curious in a way that involved making more archaeological discoveries, but curious about discovering the happiness Jorden had found with Diana.
“You guys ready to chow down?” Jorden asked, bringing Jackson back to the present moment. “I have prepared some of my specialties for you tonight, from salad to dessert.”
Isabel patted her stomach. “Charlie told me to wear leggings and a loose top. I should have listened.”
Jorden laughed. “I’ll have the dishes brought out slowly, so you have time to digest in between and don’t bust the seams of your dress.”
“I’d appreciate that.” Isabel rubbed her hands together and peeked at Jackson. “What do you say? Ready to dig in?”
But what was he ready to dig into? Dinner? Of course. More archaeological discoveries? Absolutely.
A future with Isabel like the one Jorden and Diana were building? Like the ones his brothers and many of his other friends here in Maplehaven were building?
One glance at Isabel across the table as Jorden walked back to the kitchen had Jackson wondering if such a future was possible for them. They’d always talked about being together when they were teenagers in love.
They were adults now though. Adults with plans of their own. Could those plans intersect?
Or had they missed their chance together in this universe?
Isabel was a sucker for anything sweet and Jorden’s maple butterscotch chocolate torte was the definition of delectable. She’d had some favorite spots in Pennsylvania for confections, but nothing could compare to this treat she’d already halfway finished.
Her tablemate was beyond comparison as well. Conversation over dinner had been continuous. No awkward pauses. No lack of topics. She and Jackson had shared numerous stories about what they’d experienced since being apart, plus they’d dipped back into the past to relive some of their highlights as a couple. She hadn’t forgotten any of those tales, but reviving them tonight only illustrated how perfect they’d been for each other.
Besides that one fight over Jackson going to school early, they’d never had any major conflicts while dating. They may have disagreed over what movie to see on a Saturday night, but they’d always worked those little things out. It was only when a big thing had gotten placed in their path that they’d crumbled.
And honestly, she was more to blame than that big thing. Her reaction to Jackson’s news had been so final and looking back on it now, she wanted to kick herself. She loved her life. She did, but being in Jackson’s orbit again elevated everything. His company tonight even managed to make that dessert taste better.
“Jorden should open his own place that is only desserts,” she said around a blissful bite of the torte.
“Maybe that’s something you can incorporate into your resort,” Jackson said, using his napkin to wipe a bit of chocolate from his mouth. His mouth that Isabel couldn’t stop looking at, wishing it to be all over her.
They’d be done with their desserts in a few moments. Isabel could only hope the next segment of the date involved somewhere private where they could get naked because she’d been thinking about that since Jackson had shown up at her front door.
“A desserts-only restaurant,” she said slowly. “I like it. I’m adding it to the plans.”
When the last bites were gone and they’d paid their compliments to Chef Jorden, Jackson led Isabel out of Albero’s. The day’s heat still hung in the nighttime air a bit, but Isabel was pretty sure the warmth she felt had more to do with the absolute feast she’d consumed... and the man walking beside her.
“Want to go for a walk?” he suggested, patting his stomach. “We need to kickstart the digestive process.”
“I’d love a walk.” She loved it more when Jackson held out his hand for hers.
Isabel took his hand, letting him tug her into the space beside him as he strolled down the sidewalk. The other businesses on the street were closed by now, but a few pockets of people were out and about, enjoying the summer evening.
“I don’t take nearly enough walks like this,” she said after they’d been walking for a few minutes. “You know, the kind where you’re present in the moment and your head isn’t full of all the things you think you should be doing instead of walking.”
“It can be hard to tune out all of those other things,” Jackson said, “but I’m not having too much trouble now.” He gave her a sideways glance. “Now I’m only thinking about one thing.”
“Oh, yeah?” She wrapped her arm around his and leaned closer to him. “What’s the one thing you’re thinking about now?”
“I’m thinking about how I want to pull you into those bushes over there and have a dessert that’s much better than Jorden’s torte.”