Page 58 of One Kind Night
“You are full of amazing ideas, Isabel Perri.”
She saluted him and rose from the bed. Somehow he contained his groan at the sight of her naked loveliness striding out of the room, and he reminded himself that he’d be seeing that naked loveliness again after they checked on Eugene and grabbed Blaze. He’d be able to hold Isabel all night long and that was a gift he planned on enjoying.
He found Isabel in the living room, sliding her dress over her head. The fabric fell on her toned form, highlighting her gorgeous features. Naked? Clothed? It didn’t matter. Isabel tempted him like an apple in the Garden of Eden and he’d take a bite every damn time.
Once he’d pulled on his pants and his T-shirt, they both slipped on their shoes and headed next door.
“I love nighttime here,” Isabel said, taking his hand. “The sky is all starry, everything is so quiet, and the air smells so clean.”
“Pennsylvania doesn’t have those amenities?”
“I’m sure some of it does. Not where I lived though. It was more built up so you couldn’t see the stars. Something or someone was always making some noise.”
“And the air?”
“Hotel air,” she said. “You know, that mix of sanitizing products, travelers, and dryness. The air outside my house was better except my neighbor grilled a lot of fish.”
“You don’t like fish.”
“I do not. Good memory.” As if he’d forget anything that had to do with Isabel.
“I’ve been to some wonderful places,” he said, “but there is something about Vermont that... I don’t know... loosens the muscles or something. Relieves the tension.”
“That’s probably all the sex you just had.”
Jackson squeezed her into his side. “Maybe.”
As they approached her grandfather’s cottage, a single lamp shined from inside and a flickering light suggested the TV was on.
“He probably fell asleep watching something,” Isabel whispered as they neared the front door.
Jackson slid her hair out of the way and kissed the back of her neck as she fit her key into the lock. She took a moment to lean back against him and kiss the underside of his chin before quietly easing the door open.
Sure enough, Eugene was on the couch, his head hanging forward in slumber. He didn’t look comfortable with his head in that position, but the man didn’t budge when Blaze hopped off the couch and trotted over to Isabel. He didn’t budge when Blaze barked either.
Or when the front door closed.
Or when Isabel said his name.
“Oh God.” She ran over to the couch and dropped to her knees in front of her grandfather. “Grandpa! Grandpa, wake up!”
“Eugene,” Jackson said as he joined Isabel.
“Is he...? I can’t check, Jackson.” She turned and buried her face in Blaze’s fur, sniffles sounding.
Jackson stepped closer. “Eugene.” He pressed two fingers to the man’s neck and felt a pulse.
“Is he, Jackson? Oh God, is he?”
“No. He’s got a pulse.” He gathered her in his arms, rubbing circles on her back, but eyeing Eugene. “He’s breathing, but let’s call 911, okay?”
She nodded against his chest and he fished out his phone to make the call. Blaze licked at her tear-stained cheeks and she rested a hand on her dog. “I shouldn’t have left him alone so long.”
Jackson finished the emergency call then pulled her back a bit from his chest. “He seemed fine when you left, right?”