Page 87 of One Kind Night
“My first lecture was going to be about what motivates archaeologists,” he said, tugging Isabel closer. “Uncovering precious treasures is a part of that. You are the most precious treasure, Isabel, and you motivate me to love you with everything I have. I’m sorry I left. I thought I was doing the right thing, but clearly that was... what did you say? Supremely stupid?”
The class laughed again, and Isabel’s gaze zeroed in on his lips as a few students chanted, “Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!”
Jackson wrapped his good arm around Isabel and grinned at her. “Should we give the crowd what they want?”
“Only if kissing me means I get to keep you, Doctor Hunky,” she whispered into his ear.
“Whisabel, you’ve always had me.”
He pressed his lips to hers and the students hooted and hollered, cheered and clapped. Not wanting to give the class an X-rated show, Jackson ended the kiss before it got too intense, but he hoped the look he gave Isabel let her know how he’d be kissing her when they were alone.
Her smile and heated gaze told him she’d received the unspoken memo.
Jackson turned to face the class then gestured to her. “Miss Isabel Perri,” he introduced.
She took a little bow and squeezed his hand. “Again, so sorry to cut into your class time.”
“Are you kidding?” the female student in front said. “This has been a better class than any Doctor Daniels conducted.”
Isabel laughed. “Well, I’ll let you geeks get back to the learning.” She made a move to get off the stage, but Jackson held on to her.
“Not so fast. I’m down to one hand here and I’ve got some materials to be passed out.” He motioned to the table behind them. “I think the students would love to receive them from Miss Grand Gesture herself, right?”
More cheering echoed in the lecture hall and Isabel picked up the stack of packets. “Fine, but I can’t promise I won’t tell them each a way to irk you as I hand these out.” She winked at him and hit the stairs.
He still couldn’t believe she’d come all the way to D.C. for him. That she wanted him enough to announce it to a hall full of strangers. That she loved him so much she’d risk anything to be with him. He was certain she’d hand him his ass for leaving Vermont the way he had once they were alone.
But for right now, he was going to bask in the knowledge that Isabel Perri loved him.
“The semester is only three more weeks,” Jackson said as he and Isabel shared a pizza on the couch in his small apartment. “I’ll finish it out then meet you back in Maplehaven.”
She didn’t like the idea of being without Jackson for three weeks, but she’d gone without him for years before. At least this time, she knew she’d be with him at the end of the semester. When they’d been apart before, she hadn’t thought she’d ever see him again.
“Okay. That will give me a good chunk of time to plan out the upgrades to Pine River Cottages with Grandpa.”
Between his classes today, Isabel—who had remained his assistant—told him about her idea to expand her grandfather’s property and build her dream right in Vermont. They’d also made out like wild in that lecture hall each time students vacated it. There was something hot and forbidden about kissing a professor in a college classroom.
“Your grandfather must be thrilled that you’re sticking around.” Jackson wiped sauce off his fingers with a napkin. He’d taken off the sling, but his left arm was resting at his stomach. He’d told Isabel it didn’t hurt, but the crease between his brows every time he shifted told her otherwise. She had specific plans to help him forget that pain after they finished eating.
“He’s pretty happy, yeah,” she said. “The crazy thing is I’m happy too. I’d had all these fantasies about opening a resort in some busy place, but then it occurred to me that maybe it’s not all about fast-paced and flashy. Perhaps it’s about slowing down and connecting with nature and spending quality time with the people you’re traveling with. I’d told Grandpa that when I first arrived in an attempt to make him feel better about Pine River Cottages, but something about being in Maplehaven made me actually believe it.”
Jackson balanced his plate on his thigh, reached over, and squeezed her knee with his good hand. “A resort like the one you’ve described will be good for more than the guests. Your ideas to link up with more local businesses will bring up profits for them too.”
“I’m hoping everyone will win.” She sipped her beer. “And don’t worry about your dig site. That’s all yours. When you’re convinced you’ve garnered all you can from it, then I’ll move forward with our resort plans.”
“I won’t be able to get back to it until I’m done here,” Jackson said, frowning.
“That’s fine. Grandpa and I will keep it safe and undisturbed until then. If it was important enough for Ward to want to steal it, the site must be valuable. There’s bound to be more buried in those woods and you’re going to be the guy to find it.”
“Can I rent Blaze to help?”
“He’d be delighted to assist.” Isabel grabbed another slice of pizza. “I wish this was Mountain View Pizza’s.”
“Yeah. No other pizza will do once you’ve had Kyle’s.” Jackson accepted the slice she snagged for him.
“Kind of like no other Doctor Hunky will do once you’ve had The Doctor Hunky.” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his mouth.