Page 24 of One Kind Heart
“We’ll make thank you cards for Dakota tomorrow morning and Luke, maybe you can give them to your mom to give to him?” Leah asked.
“I could,” the boy said, “but won’t you be seeing him?” The kid was definitely picking up some traits on being smooth from hanging around Dakota.
“Maybe, but you’ll probably see him before I do.”
Luke nodded, but she could tell he didn’t think that was the way things would play out.
“Did everyone have an awesome day?” she asked instead of thinking too much about whether or not she’d take Dakota up on his offer of a date.
A date.That notion made her a little sick to her stomach, but she had to admit it also made her a little… excited. After everything that had happened in New York, she hadn’t thought dating was something she’d ever do again.
But here she was… seriously considering it.
“The obstacle course was awesome!” Jonathan said.
Several other students shared what they liked best then the dismissal announcement came over the intercom and Leah sent them on their way. She checked her plans for tomorrow’s class—plans that paled in comparison to the fun they’d had today—and headed out of her classroom where Heidi stopped her.
“So? How was he? I meanit? The day? How was the day?” She batted her eyelashes.
“Itwas fine.” Leah set her school bag down between her feet.
“Fine? Fine?” Heidi threw her arms out and let them smack down to her sides. “Leah, c’mon! Give me the details!”
Leah rolled her eyes at her friend. “What details? We had an adventure.”
Heidi grabbed her arm. “But… but… give me something here, Leah.”
“Umm… we had Kyle’s pizza for lunch,” she said.
“Duh.” Heidi put her hands on her hips. “I know that.”
“You do?”
“Of course. Kyle called me the minute Dakota ordered the food yesterday.”
“Well, isn’t he the town gossip!”
“You have no idea. And he hears a lot of gossip at the restaurant. If you want to know anything about anyone, ask Kyle.”
Leah filed that away for future use should she need it. “Look, if I admit to having a good time, will you get off my case?”
Heidi did a little dance in the hallway, eliciting applause from the art and physical education teachers who were walking by. “I knew you’d have a good time. So are you going to date him?”
“I’m not sure.”
Heidi studied her for a solid moment. “What’s not to be sure about? Dakota Brenton is wonderful. Surely you witnessed that today.”
And she had. She totally had.
“I need a little while to think about it.”
Nodding, Heidi squeezed her arm then released it. “That’s fair, but don’t think too long. There are many women who would love for Dakota to remain free and up for the taking.” She walked back to her classroom. “See you tomorrow.”
Leah continued out of the building and unlocked her SUV as she thought about other women going on adventures with Dakota. Something about that idea… sucked. She tossed her school bag inside her vehicle and sat in the driver’s seat only to see yet another paper sticking under her windshield wiper. She got out and grabbed it.
Another truly awful drawing of a unicorn took up most of the page with the wordsTo collect your prize from today’s unicorn hunting, meet an ogre at Mountain View Pizza Friday night, 7:00. We’ll have any adventure you’d like.
He was a determined ogre. She’d give him that.