Page 48 of One Kind Heart
“I’m sure once I get my mom to iron these cargoes, they’ll be downright spiffy.”
A laugh bubbled out of her. “Okay, sospiffyis the look we’re going for. I’ll be sure to tell Carter, although I think spiffy might be a challenge for him. What he’s wearing today is his standard uniform.”
“Well, Dena’s got a degree in spiffy so you’d better make him presentable if we’re going to pull off this double date.”
She gave him a thumbs up as she headed for her SUV.
“Leah?” he called.
She turned around to face him. “Yeah?”
“Thanks for giving me a chance.”
“No, Dakota.” She blew him a kiss. “Thank you.”
“Why don’t I come over here for dinner more often?” Dakota piled turkey and all the fixings onto his plate and took a seat near his mother at the long table William had made out of maple logs. The table top had a live edge around its perimeter, and the surface was full of gorgeous knots and natural imperfections, giving it loads of character. His sisters sat on the half log bench across from him and his mother, while his father took up the arm chair on one end of the table. Behind Dakota, Ginger waited for the inevitable scraps that would soon head her way.
After the sunshine earlier in the day, Tuesday had turned gray by the time Leah and Carter had left Birch Peak Adventures. Or maybe Leah wielded the power of the sun itself and without her around the clouds took over.
My God, when did I become so sappy?
A light rain fell outside now, and Dakota was happy to be in his parents’ cozy dining room, the wicks of patchouli-scented candles that his mother made flickering over the food. The glow, the meal, and the company warmed him as it always did.
“You’re too busy to come here for dinner more often,” Jacy said as she heaped a scoop of mashed potatoes onto her plate and passed the bowl to Dena.
“Yeah, always off adventuring.” Dena set the potato bowl in the center of the table and draped her napkin over her lap.
“The way I hear it,” Jacy said, “maybe our dear brother has taken up another hobby recently.” The humor in her eyes spelled trouble. Good thing he loved her or he’d be gearing up for a mind-your-own-business fight.
“What hobby is that?” William asked as he poured wine in all of their glasses.
“You leave Dakota alone.” His mother rested her hand on his forearm. “He’s allowed to try out different hobbies without all of us in his business.”
Dakota frowned. “Since when?”
She gave him a light slap on the back of his neck. “Shut it, boy. I’m trying to help you. If you don’t want my help, I’ll let the two of them make you squirm.” She pointed to Dena and Jacy, both of whom rubbed their hands together like crazed maniacs.
Dakota set his fork down and wiped his mouth with his napkin. He clamped his hands on the edge of the table and looked his sisters and parents in the eyes one by one. “Look, I like Leah. Okay? There. I’ve stated it out loud for all of you to hear. We’re taking things slowly per her request, and I’m all right with that. I know, in the past, I’ve been a little more… go get ‘em in my dating pursuits, but Leah needs some time. I’m interested enough in her to give her that time.”
“Mature, son.” William patted Dakota’s shoulder.
“Yeah, like what have you done with our real brother?” Dena lifted the tablecloth and peeked underneath, earning a little whine of anticipation from Ginger. “You’re all class act right now, Dakota.”
“It’s weird.” Jacy scrunched up her nose and regarded him as if he were a confusing science experiment.
“Why does she need time?” Dena asked. “Aside from wanting to climb cliff faces and travel all around the globe, you’re the kind of guy women chase.”
“We’ve seen it first hand,” Jacy agreed. “Remember Isabel? She wanted to march you down the aisle after two dates!”
“And Sherry,” Dena added. “She was ready to have your babies just after meeting for coffee.”
“There was that Courtney too,” William said, his eyes squinting as if he were trying to picture Courtney. “Didn’t she get a little crazy because you wanted to go on an African safari, but she wanted you to spend all your time with her?”
Dakota took a gulp of his wine, mostly because his father and sisters weren’t wrong. Every woman he’d dated before Leah had wanted to hit the gas pedal, never the brakes. Maybe that’s what made Leah so intriguing. She was making him work. She was a different kind of adventure.
“Something happened to Leah in New York,” he said. “She hasn’t told me what yet, but her tentativeness in dating me is linked to that.”