Page 80 of One Kind Heart
A piece of his brain knew that was a major statement. Something huge. Momentous. His brain wasn’t in total control right now though, so he wrapped his arms around her and descended on her mouth instead, deciding toshowher what her trust meant to him.
She didn’t seem to object to his choice. Her lips parted, inviting him in to explore a place that would never end up in a frame on his wall with his other adventures. No, he’d keep this memory alive deep inside him. His heart, his soul, would protect it and make it a part of him.
A moan rumbled in her throat and the sound skyrocketed his arousal. In three steps, he had Leah pressed into the wall beside the fireplace—his intended spot for the vertical adventure challenge she’d issued. The smooth logs still held a fresh, outdoorsy aroma that combined with the scent of lavender exploding off Leah’s bared flesh. The mixture was like a drug to Dakota, one capable of producing large-scale addiction.
But it was all right to become addicted to Leah. They were a couple now. Newly minted just tonight and with a future full of possibilities.
“You’re my favorite adventure so far, Leah,” he whispered as he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist.
She hooked her arms around his neck and arched closer, putting her hot center against his more than ready erection. When she reached between them and guided him to her entrance, he lost all ability to be civilized.
Like a heat-seeking missile, he hit his target in one thrust, burrowing deep into her wet channel, greedily claiming everything she offered. His fingers molded to the backs of her thighs as he pressed her against the wall and drove deeper, allowing himself to be surrounded by her, to claim her.
She claimed him as well. With each breathy sigh, each impassioned moan, each husky pant, she took what he gave her and marked him as her own. He’d never wanted any woman to have this much of him, to possess him, to take his essence and have access to it whenever she wanted.
He wanted Leah to though. He gave it freely.
When her muscles spasmed around him, he held onto her tighter, thrusting deeper, faster, enjoying every second of this encounter and planning for more.
“Dakota…” She said his name like a curse, as if she couldn’t take the things he was doing to her by filling her, holding her, consuming her.
“Fly with me, Leah. Fly with me.”
With those whispered words, she cried out and erupted in his arms. He followed a beat later, spilling everything he had into the pleasure of the moment. His legs shook as they both came down from the high. Slowly, he backed up, slid from his position inside her, and got rid of the condom. He lowered them both to the couch, cradling Leah in his lap.
She snuggled against him as they both caught their breaths, his heartbeat the only sound loud and wild in his ears. Several moments passed before other noises became perceptible.
The dehumidifier in the basement kicking on.
Ginger sloshing up some water from her bowl.
Some nighttime bugs tapping against the porch doors.
Leah laughing in his lap.
“Hey, what’s so funny? What we did was very, very serious business, Miss Greenstead.” He ran a finger along her jaw, over her lips, down her neck to the valley between her breasts.
“Very, very serious, yes.” But she was still laughing.
“Is this the laugh of a woman driven crazy by fabulous lovemaking?”
She pressed her lips to his, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck and making him long for the next round.
“I was thinking your horizontal and vertical skills are impressive. Want to try for diagonal?”
“Hmm… diagonal might be tricky, but I think we can do perpendicular.”
“Your use of math vocabulary is so hot.” She bit her lower lip. “Say perpendicular again.”
“Per…” He slid to a reclining position on the couch. “… pen…” He coaxed her into sitting on his already growing erection and rubbed it along her folds. “… dic…” He reached up and massaged those gorgeous breasts of hers. “…ular.”
A raspy groan scratched out of her. “Tell me you have another condom down here somewhere.”
“Pants. Kitchen.”
She shot off him, making him laugh at her eagerness. She was back in a flash and rolling the condom on him with a touch that made him moan and want this night to never end.
“You’re staying the night again.” It wasn’t really a question.