Page 4 of Monster Girl Awakened
Chapter Two
Ipullonabaggy mens T-shirt—one of many that I own—and some black leggings, fluff up my short hair a little and call myself good. I stick out my tongue at my reflection before shimmying to my door. I’m in a good mood, sue me.
The guys are supposed to be here in about thirty minutes and I’ve decided that I’m going to just roll with any metaphorical punches that come at me today. Worry shall not be present. Just fun and whatever else we’re gonna do. Haven’t thought that far ahead yet.
I’d like to say that I skip down our staircase, but with my coordination on top of my injuries, I’d probably break my neck so I descend them at a more sedate pace. My fathers are milling around in the kitchen and I playfully hip check Diarmuid as I pass him. He shakes his head, lips tipping up slightly as he tries to hold back a smile and I grin.
I grab a coffee mug down, doing a little happy dance when I find the stovetop kettle freshly boiled. I dump a cappuccino sachet in, humming under my breath as I get it ready.
“Are you sure you want to have caffeine right now, Ness?” Morrigan asks casually.
I turn around and peer at him with narrowed eyes, hugging my freshly made coffee to my chest.
“He has a point, you’re practically bouncing around already,” Diarmuid chimes in with a snort.
I flip him the bird with one hand while I take a large sip of coffee.
“Nessa.” I cringe and drop my hand, sending Azure a sheepish grin. He raises a brow at me, having set his tablet aside on the dining table.
I’m saved from a lecture on good manners by a knock on the front door. Thank the Goddess. I set down my coffee and use my thumb to point over my shoulder towards the front door. “I’m gonna go get that.”
Scurrying out of the room with a grin, I tug the door open, still chuckling under my breath. Oscar’s attention jerks to me and I smile wider, my eyes running over his pink hair, sharp features and swimmers build. Those glowing silver eyes locked on me have flashes of our kiss running through my head and a faint blush crawls onto my cheeks. “Hi,” I mumble in a low voice.
I swallow hard and mentally shake myself.What was that about not being a blushing virgin, Nessa? Goddess.Blinking, I step back and wave him inside, doing a quick scan of the street to make sure the others aren’t here yet before closing the door.
Poppy—yes that nickname has stuck—peers around the wide hallway and into what he can see of the other rooms from here, curiosity clear in his eyes. He slips off his shoes and socks, placing them neatly on our rack before looking to me for direction and an odd flutter starts in my stomach. There’s something intimate about having him here, barefoot. Or I could just be odd. Yeah that’s probably what it is.
With a wave of my hand to have him follow, I lead him to the kitchen. May as well get the introductions over with first. Azure’s in the same place I left him, sitting at the dining table, but he’s got his fingers steepled in front of him. All of his focus is on Oscar. Diarmuid has shifted to lean back against the kitchen bench, casually cleaning his fingernails with a dagger, his eyes too on the man behind me. Dear lord, give me strength. Morrigan stands against the dining room wall, arms crossed like a silent sentry, ready to fuck someone up if he needs to.
“Guys, this is Oscar. Oscar, these are my fathers.” I leave it at that and step aside, giving Oscar a pat on the shoulder before ditching him to settle in against the kitchen bench opposite Diarmuid with my coffee. Better to just let them get on with the inquisition. Hopefully they’ll get all the energy out with Oscar and not bother repeating it with Dylan and Corin. I scan my dads’ expressions again. Ahh fuck, who am I kidding—they’re totally gonna do that.
Props to Oscar though, he doesn’t duck his chin when faced with them, though he doesn’t make eye contact either.
“Good morning, uh, sirs.” He walks up to where Azure is seated at the head of the table and offers a hand, somehow knowing he’s the leader. My brows raise at that.
Diarmuid perks up, grinning in a way that has me suppressing a groan. He abruptly flips the knife he’s holding, catching it by the blade intentionally—like the crazy person he is—drawing Oscar’s attention as he gives him a finger wave with his now bloody palm.Well, this is shaping up to be a fun first meeting,I mentally grumble to myself.
My eyes widen slightly as they settle on one of Nessa’s fathers. He gives me a finger wave, flashing his bloody palm at me, clutching his dagger in his opposite hand. Out of the three of them, strangely enough he’s not the one who sets me on edge the most, no, it’s the man leaning against the dining room wall, watching me silently, green eyes intent behind his glasses.
After leaving my hand hovering awkwardly over the table between us for a few seconds, the man standing in front of me reaches forwards to grip it, dipping our joined hands once before releasing me.I hope he didn’t notice the faint tremble of nerves.If he did he doesn’t make a comment on it.
“It’s nice to meet you, Oscar,” The man seated at the head of the dining room table says, still watching me. He’s eyeing me intently, expression blank so it’s impossible to tell how he feels about me, but it’s unnerving.
Even though outwardly I’m standing tall with all their eyes fixed on me, I can’t help but feel like they can tell how nervous I am on the inside. As though knowing my thoughts, Azure’s lips curl up in a way that makes me think he’s hiding a smile, but his black eyes remain kind.
“Well Oscar, I’m Azure. This is Morrigan.” He gestures to the green eyed man before half turning to point at the man who is standing behind the kitchen island. Bloody palm now resting on the counter top alongside his knife. When Azure catches sight of him, he rolls his eyes, before returning his focus to me. “And Diarmuid.”
“He likes to play with knives, in case you missed that,” Nessa adds, cocking an eyebrow at Diarmuid as if in challenge.
I bite down on a smile at the lilt of sarcasm in her words and drag my eyes back to Azure. “How about we move this to the lounge room. Would you like something to drink, Oscar?” Azure asks, dark eyes intent.
I keep mine focused on his nose—the man puts off some insane A-class vibes. “Yes thank you. Could I please have a glass of water or juice if you have any?”