Page 31 of Battery Operated
“Isn’t this more fun than walking around a dirty city, breathing in the smog?” Brady asked from ten paces ahead of me.
“Nope,” I said truthfully. I was a city girl, through and through, and I loved walking around Chicago. “But I have to admit… it doesn’t suck.”
Brady laughed. “Were you expecting it to?”
“Pretty much.”
“Well, glad you changed your mind.” He turned and waited for me. The long-sleeved shirt he wore was tight enough to reveal that he wasn’t breathing hard. That, along with his tight jeans, the small pack on his back, and his well-worn hiking boots made him look right at home out here on the trail. “And I can admit, it’s nice walking downtown, too. It’s an entirely different experience, but you can still stretch your legs, and there’s a lot to see.”
“Do you get to Chicago often?”
“Once or twice a year. I like to walk by the lakefront when I can.”
“I like that, too.”
“Do you live far from it?”
“Ten or eleven blocks.”
“Can you translate that into miles?”
“No,” I said, and we both laughed.
But mostly, we hiked in silence, with Brady leading the way. I didn’t mind, because as he’d said, the view was great. Both the natural view, and the one of his backside in his faded blue jeans.
Of course, he didn’t know I considered that last part a great addition to the scenery. At least I hoped he didn’t.
We walked on, and I couldn’t get enough of the fresh air. It was pine scented, but in a natural way, not like the air freshener you sprayed out of a bottle.
When we’d set out, I’d stared at the ground, not wanting to trip over a fallen tree branch, or even worse—something alive. But now I felt confident enough to look around. Even without Brady’s fine form, there was a ton to look at. Evergreens and pines, and a whole bunch of other trees I couldn’t name surrounded us.
And Brady had been right, the squirrels were fun to watch. Somehow, the ones out here were more interesting to observe than the ones in parks who cautiously approached, looking for a handout.
“Let’s take a break,” Brady said. He was standing by a fork in the trail up ahead. “This is where I stop when I run out here.”
“Before going back?” I frowned. We hadn’t actually been walking for very long.
He chuckled. “No, but from this point on, the trail’s a big loop. So when I reach this point, I drink from my water bottle, stash it behind this log, and then pick it up when I come back this way.”
“Are the squirrels known water bottle thieves?”
“They would be if they could open them.” He sat down on a thick log. “Come on, take a break.”
He opened his pack and pulled out two water bottles as I stood next to him. He cocked an eyebrow as he looked up at me. “I don’t bite.”
“Yeah, but the log might.”
Brady gave me a shrewd look. “What’s with you today? Something’s seemed off ever since you got up this morning.”
“You don’t know me well enough to determine that,” I said obstinately, even though he was completely correct. Then I sighed. “I’m afraid if I sit down there, the rough bark will snag my yoga pants.”
His expression cleared as he understood. “Ah. Gotcha.”
I didn’t make a habit of wearing yoga pants when I was out and about, but I tended to dress for comfort after a bad night.
Brady handed me a water bottle, and I gratefully took a long drink. While I did that, he emptied out the small backpack, smoothed it flat, and set it on the log next to him. “Can you sit on that?” He cracked a smile as he looked up at me. “Or my lap’s available, too. Your choice.”