Page 4 of Battery Operated
Brad seemed to sense my concern, because he winked at me. “We also want to make sure you’re not a corporate spy.”
It was impossible not to return his grin. The man could probably make people smile at a funeral. Well, at least the women. Penny gave a small laugh, and he turned his megawatt smile on her. If it wasn’t for that overgrown mustache and the thick glasses, he could’ve been a model.
“Let me tell you more about the tech,” he said, motioning Penny and me over to the computer station. “Unlike a regular massage chair, we don’t rely on rollers inside the cushions. We wanted to create an experience as authentic as possible. That’s why we made this.”
He gave me a hand—literally. Except for the fact that it was plastic, it looked like a real skeleton hand. I lifted the fingers, and the joints at the knuckles moved. It worked like a person’s hand would.
“The real thing is made of sturdier materials than that, obviously,” Colton said. “But don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. It’ll be completely covered.” He gave me what looked to be an ordinary leather glove, and I slid the plastic hand into it. Then I rubbed it gently across my forearm. It didn’t quite feel like the touch of an actual person, but it was close.
I passed it to Penny, and she manipulated the thing’s fingers for a few seconds before handing it back to Colton. Then she started pulling equipment out of our bags. “You want the ring-light stand, right?”
“Yes.” My followers were likely already watching my channel, waiting for the live feed. I’d been talking up this event all week, and they were as excited as I was to see some new tech.
Colton fiddled with the computer equipment that lined the wall opposite the massage chair while Penny set up the lights. As for me, I couldn’t help smiling. Technology was the best. It streamlined every part of my life, from the time I awoke from a sunrise simulator until soft ocean noises and a gently undulating mattress ushered me into blissful slumber. Technology made my life a million times better, and I was grateful every day that my job allowed me to share those improvements with my audience.
Though Penny was an excellent videographer, we’d decided a phone mounted in the middle of the ring light pointed directly at the chair was the best way to capture the event today. It was a little out of the ordinary because usually, when I livestreamed, I held the phone myself. That way, I could see my followers’ comments as they scrolled across the screen. But holding the phone while getting a deep tissue massage didn’t seem all that feasible.
To my surprise, Brad placed candles around the room. They were in little glass jars, and after he lit them, the scent of vanilla filled the air. He caught my glance and smiled. “Just trying to set the mood a bit. We want you to enjoy yourself and experience the full effects of the Massage Mate.”
Soft music filled the air—Colton had turned it on from his computer console. It was half starting to feel like a date, but I protested when Brad dimmed the lights. “My audience needs to be able to see me; otherwise, I’ll just be a voice in the dark.”
“Just trying to help you relax,” Brad said. “But if you think the lighting isn’t strong enough, we can—”
“We brought extra lights,” I said, nodding to Penny. For some reason, I didn’t want Brad thinking we were amateurs.
To prove that, I reviewed the details of the shoot with Brad. We’d covered a lot of ground over email, but it was always different when I was on location. I asked him about which parts of the room could appear in the video, what I could say about the massage chair that wouldn’t give away too many trade secrets, and the like.
While we spoke, Penny got the extra lights set up and double-checked the settings on the phone.
“Are we about ready?” I asked, because it was almost time.
Judging by the way Penny was scrolling through the phone, my followers were likely already ready and waiting.
“Just one more thing,” Colton said smoothly. “We want this experience to be as relaxing as possible for you, Lila.” I was pleased he was finally using my first name. Being called Ms. James had never felt right to me. “We’ve done our best to set the mood. To ensure your total relaxation, we ask that Penny wait outside.”
“What?” I said at the same time Penny did. “She’s my assistant.”
Colton smiled. “And she’s done a good job. But she’s not needed now. This next part is all about you and your pleasure.”
He’d saidpleasure, the magic word, but Penny was part of my process, part of my business. Evidently, she felt the same way. “You won’t even know I’m here. I’ll just stand in the corner over there.”
“You’re not being punished,” I said sharply, my words directed at the two men, not her.
“I’m afraid we have to insist,” Brad said firmly. “Our correspondence with you was very clear, Ms. James.” Great, now he was back to calling me that. “You, and only you, were invited to try out our new prototype.” He turned his good-natured smile to Penny, and her expression softened. “There’s a break room at the end of the hall. My partner will take you there.”
She met my eyes, and I hesitated. Finally, I nodded.
“Enjoy,” Penny said softly as she followed Colton out into the hallway.
“Trust me, in a few minutes you won’t be thinking about anything except for how amazing you feel,” Brad assured me.
He’d better be right. I wasn’t thrilled with giving the benefit of the doubt to strangers, but it was clear they’d put some thought into this and had set things up to make it as enjoyable as possible for me. Turning my back to him, I faced the dark curtain and did some vocal warm-ups.
When I turned around, Brad was watching me carefully. “All good?”
He gestured toward the waiting chair. I took in its gleaming features once more as I slid off my jacket. Underneath it, I had on a black top with spaghetti straps. That way, the massaging device, if it lived up to the hype, could go to work on my bare shoulders.