Page 58 of Battery Operated
Brady didn’t seem to have the same concerns. “This is perfect. Sandy can drive, so we don’t have to worry about Penny’s car. She’ll talk Penny’s ear off, but she’ll be good company for the evening. I’ll call her right now.”
He disappeared into the other room, and Gideon was still tapping on his phone. “Think they’ll want dinner first?”
The honest answer was yes, but I wasn’t going to make that call. It was Gideon’s money, so he was the one who should decide how to spend it.
Brady came back into the room, a big smile on his face. “I take it she said yes?” I asked.
“She did.” He looked at Gideon. “All set?”
“All set.”
Good. We had a plan to spend some time alone with Lila.
Now we just had to figure out how we were going to use that time.
“I wish Brady’s coworker had two extra tickets,” Penny said while she checked her outfit in the mirror behind the door of my room.
“To be honest, I think you’ll get more out of the exhibit than me.” I gave her a gentle smile. “But please say ‘hi’ to civilization for me. I miss it.”
“I feel like I’m abandoning you.”
“It’s one night. I’ll survive.” My assistant patted her hair into place. It was still in a ponytail that hung down one shoulder, but she’d put in some braids at the top and sides. She looked amazing.
Unfortunately, she didn’t seem to realize that.
“Are you sure it’s okay to wear these leggings?” she asked my reflection in the mirror.
“With those boots, yes. And the blazer. Just keep it buttoned.” I got off the bed and went over to my dresser. “And wear these earrings.”
“Thank you.” Penny’s hands trembled while she put them on. “And for the clothes, too.” I’d brought nicer things than she had, for the simple reason that I was the one who had to appear on camera.
“Turn around.”
She did, self-consciously brushing off the front of the blazer.
“You look fantastic.” She truly did. With her long dark hair and her dark flashing eyes, she was a true beauty.
Too bad she couldn’t see it.
“Did you tell Jeff about this?”
“Yes. I wanted to let him know I was going to be in Chicago, just in case he wanted to… you know, meet us at the restaurant or something.”
“And did he?”
“No. He said he had plans tonight, too.”
I looked away, trying to hide my suspicion that Jeff’s main plan was to get up to no good.
There was a knock at the door, and then we heard Brady’s voice. “Sandy’s here, Penny.”
She gulped, and I smiled at her. “Relax, it’s not a date. It sounds like Brady’s friend just really wanted to go to the thing at the Art Institute and her sister got sick. You’re doing her a favor.”
My assistant nodded, but she still looked a bit nervous.