Page 29 of Dangerous Desires
Birgitta shook her arm off, letting the cold water drop down to the floor. She immediately began to undress, lifting her nightgown over her head and shoulders before letting it sink to the floor. As soon as she was naked, she jumped into the shower.
The water hadn’t warmed up yet. It froze her skin as she stood beneath it, sending cold shivers through her body. Birgitta stayed where she was, refusing to move away from the cold. She let it pour over her, cleansing her whole body as it coursed down her bare skin.
The cold took over her whole body, making it impossible for her to think about anything else. Malik was suddenly gone from her mind, long forgotten. Slowly, she craned her head backward and allowed the freezing water to rush through her hair. The whole of her scalp started to cramp painfully, seconds away from turning into a headache.
When the heat of the water started to wash over her, Birgitta found her muscles relaxing. She stepped back into the water, letting it cascade down her body as she wiped her palms down her arms and legs, giving herself a massage as she prepared to wash. She concentrated on the sounds of the water rushing, paying no mind to anything else.
By the time she’d lathered up the shampoo into her hair, all the troubles were drifting away. She relaxed as the warm water rushed down her shoulders, over her breasts, and down her flat stomach.
Before long, her hands were running up and down her body, rubbing the shower gel into her skin. She could feel her fingers pressing against her taut skin, massaging her tense muscles. As she touched herself, enjoying the way it felt, she realized it had been a while since she’d last been on a run. Life had gotten so busy she’d barely had any time to decompress and unwind.
She planned her day while washing herself, letting her fingers slide up on the insides of her thighs as she spread the foam around her skin. It didn’t take long for her fingers to find their way higher, gently caressing her lower lips. She could feel her warmth there, hot against her fingertips. Within a second, her fingers were touching her clit, circling around it delicately.
Birgitta threw her head back and leaned her shoulders against the wall behind her, her pelvis arched out below the water. The water gushed down her body, pooling where her hand was between her legs. The warmth of the water surrounded her, lubricating her. She let her arousal build as she continued to touch herself.
Her heart started to beat quickly in her chest and her eyes slipped closed. The pressure instantly began to rise from between her legs, causing her stomach and thighs to tense. Her arm and fingers moved faster, rubbing against herself harder, as involuntary shivers rolled through her body.
Footsteps thundered above her. Birgitta stopped touching herself for a moment and opened her eyes, turning them to the ceiling. It only took her a second to dismiss the sound, knowing it was just Kent roaming around the house. She’d masturbated in the shower more times than she could count, there was nothing weird going on here.
Birgitta closed her eyes, wiggled her shoulders against the cold wall to get comfortable once more, then began moving her fingers again. Since she’d stopped for a moment, she’d have to work up to the previous speed. She circled her clitoris slowly, feeling it roll between her fingers.
Heavy breaths came out of her mouth as her body began to respond. She could feel herself getting more and more turned on. The water rushed down her, soaking every inch of her toned body as her fingers worked.
Birgitta could feel the orgasm coming, building as everything inside of her tightened. She clenched her teeth together working herself harder and harder. It was right there, just out of reach. She just needed to keep moving her fingers.
The footsteps moved toward the bathroom door. Birgitta stopped touching herself instantly, sighing. She stared through the frosted glass to where the bathroom door was. It was only then that she realized that Kent wasn’t home—Malikwas.
A lump jumped into her throat. Her chest hitched as she listened, wondering if he was even going to stop.
To her dismay, he didn’t stop at the door. He didn’t even slow down. He smashed through the door, sending it flying into the wall. Birgitta leaped backward and covered her body with her arms. There was no way Malik could see anything through the frosted glass aside from a silhouette, but knowing that he was in the bathroom with her was shocking.
It wasn’t the fact that she was naked, or having an intimate moment that shocked her. It was the fact that he just walked into the bathroom like he deserved to be in there; deserved to barge into her private time.
Birgitta felt tingles erupt in her stomach as she watched him slowly stepping through the bathroom. He was all shadows, dark and ominous as he turned to face the frosted shower doors.
Is he going to take me?Birgitta thought.Is he going to have his way with me, right here? Right now?
She wasn’t sure if it was excitement building inside of her, or fright. Nervous, electric energy filled the room mixing with the steam. Birgitta kept her arms over her breasts as her eyes fixated on his silhouette.
He outstretched his arm, moving it toward the door. Birgitta held her breath as she watched it come toward her. There was no doubt about it—Malik was going to open the door. There was nothing she could do but wait for the door to slide open.
When it did, her eyes immediately snapped to Malik’s. He was wearing a dark sweater and sweatpants, his bare feet pressed against the vinyl bathroom floor. Birgitta stayed completely still, silent. His eyes drifted down her naked body. She found herself dropping her arms from her breasts, allowing him to see them, to see her fully.
The water still trickled down her body, but now it felt cold. Air coming into the bathroom from the rest of the house was cooling her steamy sauna. Her nipples started to harden as the air brushed against her skin. The delicious warm steam was vanishing, wisps of it leaking through the open door.
“Malik,” Birgitta whispered.
Just the sound of his name sent shivers down her spine. She continued to stare into his deep brown eyes, trying to figure out what he was doing, what he was thinking. Trickles of water tickled the sides of her face before dripping down onto her shoulders.
They just stood there for a while, staring at one another as the water continued to run. Birgitta would have thought she’d be uncomfortable, but to her surprise, it felt completely natural to have him there with her.
Birgitta knew that time was pushing on. She’d have to go to work soon and she couldn’t stay there all day, wasting water. She glanced to the bathroom door.
“Shut it,” she said quietly. “You’re letting the hot air out.”
Malik instantly did as he was told. As he moved, Birgitta took the chance to look at his body. His hips turned, causing his sweatpants to tighten around his crotch. Birgitta almost gasped when she saw the size of his cock, already hard and pushing against the thin fabric.
Saliva swarmed into her mouth as she stared at it, wishing it was in her mouth. All she wanted was a quick taste of his salty, delicious skin. Malik caught her staring and his large, brown hand reached down. He grabbed his cock and balls and tugged on the package as he stared up to her.