Page 40 of Dangerous Desires
Only, that wasn’t exactly true. He’d given her everything she asked for. He’d been there for her as they raised their daughter, they’d bought a nice house in the forest, and they had always supported each other through the hardships.
As much as Birgitta knew that Malik was what she needed now, she couldn’t shake the horrible feeling that was growing like a monkey on her back. She could feel it weighing heavily on her. There was no way to get rid of it without talking to Kent, telling him everything. She dreaded that conversation—she didn’t want to see his face crumple as she told him that she’d been cheating on him.
“This can’t happen again,” Birgitta blurted.
The pillow beneath Malik’s head rustled as he turned to look at her. A smirk appeared on his lips and a couple of soft laughs came out of his mouth. Birgitta didn’t smile, nor did she join in with the laughter. Malik’s face quickly soured; his laughs dried up.
“I’m serious,” she said. “We can’t do this again.”
“Are you joking?” Malik asked, his body shooting up away from the mattress.
Birgitta looked up at him from the pillow. She could see beads of sweat on his chest, mingling in with his dark hair. She wanted to reach out and let her hands run through it, but she knew she couldn’t. They couldn’t be together again until she’d made everything right with her husband.
“I need to tell Kent,” Birgitta said.
Malik instantly burst into loud, harsh laughter. He reclined back on the bed, wedging his arm beneath the pillow to prop his head up more. He continued to chuckle as he got comfortable on their marital bed.
“What?” Birgitta asked.
“Tell him,” Malik said. “He’s not going to care.”
Birgitta felt a lump growing in her throat. Was Malik being so callous on purpose, trying to hurt her and undermine her marriage? Or was this just his honest opinion?
“You don’t know him,” Birgitta said softly. “He’ll be hurt. We’ve spent nearly twenty years together.”
Malik looked at her pointedly. “And how many of those years were you unhappy for?”
Birgitta looked away from his beautiful brown eyes. She knew he was right—she had been unhappy for a long time. Even so, the way Malik was reducing her marriage to nothing was painful. They had spent their lives working together and making a home together. She still felt sad that it was ending, even though the relationship made her miserable.
“Tell him whatever you need to,” Malik said, rolling onto his side to face her. “I’m not going to stop fucking you.”
His hand wound around her hips and rested on her ass, gently squeezing it. As much as Birgitta loved the feeling of his hands on hers, she wanted to squirm away. He was demeaning towards her, implying that nothing else mattered aside from him.
“You can do and say whatever you want,” Malik said, yanking on her hip to draw her body close to his. “But I’m still going to have my way. You’remine.”
Birgitta wanted to slap him, to tell him to get out of her bed, to swear and curse and shout. But she couldn’t. She felt butterflies erupt in her stomach as he leaned his sweaty chest against hers. Then his lips were on hers, his tongue shoving its way into her mouth. She couldn’t help but moan as he rolled on top of her, his hand moving down between her legs.
They’d only just finished fucking and yet she noticed Malik’s cock growing hard once more. He seemed ready to go all over again. His fingers stroked her lower lips, ever so gently brushing her clitoris with the edges of his fingers.
All of the anger and resentment drifted out of Birgitta’s body as he touched her. She couldn’t control herself as long as his fingers were touching her. Shivers ran through her body, taking control of her as Malik’s fingers drifted ever closer to her clitoris.
The whole world seemed distant to her now, far away and unimportant. The only thing that mattered was the man beside her. She opened her mouth wider and allowed her tongue to explore Malik’s soft, wet mouth. Her breaths hitched in her chest as she felt his fingers push deeper between her legs.
Somehow his arm found its way beneath her head. He lifted her neck with his bicep, drawing her body closer to his. Birgitta could barely contain herself. Malik’s fingers slipped inside her, causing Birgitta to moan into his mouth.
A strange feeling came into her gut, twisting and churning her insides. She broke off the kiss, knowing something was wrong. She could feel it with every inch of her body. The blood in her veins felt heavy and cold. Her skin was tingling in the wisps of air around her. All of her senses seemed to heighten, telling her something was going to happen.
Just as her eyes gazed around the room, trying to find out what the hell her body was trying to tell her, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Her heart stopped in her chest and her stomach dropped through her body, sinking down to the ground.
She tried desperately to untangle herself from Malik’s grasp but the sheets were wrapped around her legs and Malik’s arms gripped her torso. Birgitta didn’t have time to look up at Malik’s face to see what he could have been thinking.
The bedroom door opened and Kent stepped inside, looking down at his phone. All of the air left Birgitta’s body. A horrible weightless sensation came over her, making her feel like she was floating. She went numb as she watched her husband slowly realize something was wrong.
His blue eyes moved up from his phone and took in the sight in front of him. Birgitta felt sick. Her stomach roiled as she stared up at Kent, unable to think of any words to say.
Kent’s eyes flicked between them both. His eyes glanced at their naked bodies. And then it hit him. He stepped back and started shaking his head, the frown between his eyes deepening.