Page 8 of Dangerous Desires
How pathetic,she thought.What has my life become?
She didn’t have time to think about it, though. She grabbed one of the small egg vibrators and clasped it in her hand as she stood up to remove her pants. Leaving them in a crumpled mess on the floor, she stretched out on the bed and turned the vibrator on.
The vibrator’s hum between her fingers sent shivers through her. She slipped it between her lower lips, pressing it against her clitoris. Immediately she felt it, vibrating softly against her most sensitive spot, sending sparks of electricity through her. Her eyes closed involuntarily as her muscles tightened. She could feel the tension rising inside of her as she kept the vibrator pressed against her skin.
Faces appeared behind her eyes—familiar faces, ones that she’d seen at work and ones from the covers of her books. Just seeing them made her thighs clench causing her heart to race in her chest. In reply, she pressed the vibrator harder against herself.
She imagined lightly dragging her fingers down these imaginary man’s skin, feeling it brush against her fingertips like silk. Shuddering, she pressed the vibrator even harder against herself and shifted it from side to side, nudging her clitoris.
Pleasure was building inside her like a wave, growing with every second that she felt the vibrations rolling through her body. The feeling gnawed away at her insides, driving her crazy. She kept pressing harder and harder but the orgasm was drifting farther and farther away.
Frowning, Birgitta shifted her legs and repositioned the vibrator. She exhaled slowly, trying to relax, but she could feel the agitation coming. Usually, she could make herself cum within a couple minutes, especially working with toys. Why wasn’t it working today? It was right there, just beneath the surface, why wasn’t she able to release it?
Her cunny dripped wet, soaking into the bed sheets beneath her, but nothing else was happening. Breathless, she sat up. Leaning on one elbow, she pressed the vibrator against herself once more, this time she started to rub it up and down, trying desperately to stimulate herself.
It didn’t take long for her abs to start contracting along with her thighs. Breaths ripped out of her mouth, whistling as they passed through her clenched teeth. Birgitta stifled a moan as she furiously rubbed the vibrator up and down. Her arm was shaking and tensing as she moved up and down, up and down.
A long, guttural groan burst out of her mouth. The sound echoed around the bedroom. She could feel the tension inside her again, growing and growing but not releasing. Large beads of sweat formed on her forehead, cooling her skin and causing goosebumps to ripple down the back of her neck.
Despite her muscles twitching, she couldn’t quite climax. It was just out of reach, hiding beneath the surface, tantalizing her. The only problem was, she didn’t want to be teased. She wanted this over and done with. The release would allow her to relax, free her mind from the intrusive thoughts of brown-skinned men.
It didn’t seem like that was going to happen any time soon, though. No matter how hard she tried, it refused to come. More angry than horny now, Birgitta got up from the bed and stripped off the rest of her clothes. They were damp with sweat but she didn’t care. She left them on the floor with her pants.
With the cool air against her naked body, Birgitta looked around the room. Her eyes drifted over the dozens of toys spread out over the bed, including the little egg vibrator still buzzing away. Sorrow came over her. How pathetic had she become, playing with toys instead of a man? How the hell was she supposed to be satisfied without any human contact?
It was then that she remembered her husband, sitting downstairs in front of the TV.
Kent, she thought as a mischievous smile crept over her lips.He is my husband, and he has a working penis.
There was no time to waste. Birgitta padded toward the stairs, her bare feet barely making a sound on the carpet. She tried feeling sexy and seductive. It wasn’t often they banged and she would always have to make a great effort to entice him. She had no doubt that today would be exactly the same.
She paused at the bottom of the stairs, trying to psych herself up. Her eyes were smoldering. Stepping into the living room her naked body stood in the cold air, taut and erect. She leaned her shoulder on the white wood arch, bending and twisting her body to show off her curves.
Kent was sat forward on the couch, his elbows on his knees, eyes glazed over as he stared. Birgitta tried not to notice the crumbs stuck to his sweater.
“Hey you,” Birgitta said, her voice gentle as smoke.
It took Kent a moment to recognize the sound. When he finally did, he detached his eyes from the screen and slowly they drifted toward Birgitta. A look of shock crossed his face at the sight of her naked body, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared.
“I want to screw,” Birgitta said, almost purring the words. “Come upstairs and make love to me.”
Kent’s eyes sank down her body. The expression on his face didn’t change. If anything, his eyes seemed to dull further. Birgitta felt her need taper. There was no desire in his eyes. There was no passion in his heart. If anything, it looked like he was evaluating a chore to see if he had the energy to do it.
“Come on,” Birgitta whispered, taking a step toward him. “I’m ready for you.”
Sighing, Kent leaned forward and pushed his hands onto his knees forcing his body upright. A little groan of pain slipped past his lips. He’d sat on that damn couch too long, not stretching out his body at all. Birgitta was only a couple of years younger than him and she never had any problems with her joints.
I work hard to maintain my body, she thought.Although, I don’t know why. Kent doesn’t care for me either way.
She watched him step around the coffee table, walking so slowly he could have been mistaken for a turtle. Rolling her eyes, she meandered toward the stairs, waiting for him impatiently.
“Come on,” she purred. “Come to me, big boy.”
Her words didn’t make him move any faster. He was so lifeless, so uninterested. Birgitta was losing the spark between her legs. If she let it get away from her completely, she’d never orgasm.
When Kent came around the corner, she grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him upstairs. She wasn’t going to wait around for him any longer. She needed to cum and he was the only one who was available. Birgitta kept on tugging him toward the bedroom, even though Kent seemed to be purposefully lagging behind.
Birgitta closed the bedroom door behind them and immediately rushed to him. Her hands shook as she went for the hem of his sweater. Before she knew it, she’d tugged the sweater over his head and had tossed it onto the bed.