Page 19 of Alien Soldier
We only have one planned hop to a garden world before we move on to the Razakii fleet on Azoth, and then it’ll be all business from there. I don’t think we have much downtime planned; there’s a whole bunch of stuff that needs our attention, since we’re kind of leading the charge against the Second House at this point.
It’s a good reason to be antsy…and running has always helped me shirk off that extra energy.
Maybe I can get a treadmill for Jaya on Azoth.
I sit outside and lace up my sneakers, inhaling the cloying scent of some alien plant life on this new world. Apparently this place is charted as a fairly regular stopover for Jaya, and the crew has determined that there isn’t any reason to avoid breathing without a hazmat mask. Still, it irritates my nose a little bit, making me sneeze more than a few times as I lace up.
I’m just about to pop my earbuds in when I hear the hatch open behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to see Malix coming outside. He’s wearing what I guess passes for Lyran athletic wear—a black, sleeveless tunic with matching black pants, simple shoes on his feet. The sunlight illuminates his eyes, making his irises flash silver and turquoise in their black sclera—like his eyes are made of labradorite. It’s always been my favorite gemstone, and for some reason it seems fitting that the gemstone that’s always grounded me is the one that most resembles his eyes.
Not that I know the guy at all.
But I would like to.
“Hey,” I say. “Didn’t expect to see you out here.”
“Taraven suggested that I come out and stretch my legs,” he says. He squints as he sweeps his gaze over the field, catching on the two juvenilezephtangrazing there. “He said we may not get another chance to explore for some time.”
His voice is deep, with a low drone of subharmonics underneath. It makes goosebumps pebble on my arms.
“You’ve been talking to Taraven?” I ask.
“The ship seemed insistent on it,” Malix says dryly. I have no fucking clue what that means, but I don’t bother asking. I just want to run—to get a chance to breathe. “I was wondering, though—are you going out?”
I nod. “I was just about to pop my earbuds in, actually.”
He raises his brow, where fine white hair gives way to gleaming silver scales. “Mind if I join you?”
I trail my eyes down his body, from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes. “You dressed for it? I’m not just hiking; I’m running.”
His lips curl in a smile. “I think I can keep up.”
Ta bien!He’s arrogant. Sure, he’s got at least twelve inches on me in height, but I’m quick, and I have enough stamina to beat even the biggest guy.
“Was that a challenge?” I ask.
His expression falters. “I…I meant no offense.”
I stand up and can’t resist the urge to punch him playfully in the arm. On instinct, he catches my wrist, and our eyes meet. His palm is surprisingly warm—toasty, even, enough to burn my skin.
It’s only then that I catch sight of his translator and realize we’ve been talking easily this whole time. It suits him, delicately placed on his ear.
“Did Taraven give you that?” I ask, my eyes darting to the cuffs. We’re trained to understand that’s a good spot to aim for if we’re trying to distract the Lyra; they’re sensitive there.
I wonder if Taraven noticed.
I wonder if Malix liked it.
I wonder why I fucking care, because Ifeellike I’m jealous right now and there’s no fucking reason to feel that way.
“He did,” Malix says, continuing to grasp my wrist. “It’s been useful.”
“Good,” I say. “So—are we running, or are we holding hands?”
He abruptly lets me go, his brow furrowing. I bite my lip and put my earbuds in, removing my translator and slipping it into my pocket. I tap ‘play’ on my comm and music fills my ears, a song with a pounding rhythm from all the way back home on Earth.
Even if he wants to talk shit now, I won’t be able to hear him.
I don’t give him any explanation or preamble; I just take off in the direction I was planning, making sure my comm is programmed to direct me back to the ship when I’m done. The grasses are short enough that I don’t worry about getting lost. Jaya is huge, and I’ll be able to follow her bark-like fin back across the sea of green. It would be kind of funny if I lost Malix though…