Page 4 of Alien Soldier
“My crew is brave and we do not fear returning to our home system,” he says. “We seek to kill Dalphox of the Second House, and to end Skoro’s rule over the Five Houses of the Divine. If he has obtained a weapon so powerful, it is of the utmost importance that we stop this before it has even begun.”
“Then we’re in agreement,” Va’lora says. “And I hesitate to operate without the Directorate’s full approval, but I fear they will be too cautious when it comes to pursuing our enemy.”
I exchange a look with Frankie, who’s listening intently. She seems far better acquainted with Lyran politics; I’ll have to ask her about them.
“Tell us what we must do,” Zandro says. “Our interests are aligned.”
Bekah flashes him a fierce smile, counterposed by Ravik’s glare from beside her. Ondari seems just as invested in this alliance, and I realize that the gears of war are falling into place.
We knew this was coming, but I did not realize it would happen so soon.
“Our emergency response team was able to salvage a fragment of the weapon from the destruction,” Va’lora says. “Our scientists have already run analytics on it, and they do not recognize its source, nor do they have any record of it in our files on Skoropi weaponry. In fact, it appears to be organic.”
Jaya shudders as if she’s heard the Councilor’s words, and the sound of thezephtan’s cry casts a shadow across my heart.
“And what do you want us to do with it?” Ravik chimes in from where he leans against the wall.
Zandro winces.
“Is nothing private on this ship?” Va’lora grumbles. “Regardless—I want you to find the source, and consult with your allies on what it could be. And if possible, I want the facility that created this weapon destroyed.”
“In this, we are in agreement,” Zandro says. “We will take your fragment and deliver it to Skoropi scientists who may be able to shed light on the material.”
“And I have one other condition,” she says.
“I’ll see it done,” Zandro replies.
“I want an operative on the ship.”
Zandro glances over at Reza and Mai, confused. They look just as puzzled until Va’lora speaks again.
“I know you believe that you already have one of my people onboard your ship, but Agent K’lyr’s truest allegiance is to Agent Nguyen,” Va’lora says. “And I have someone in mind to send with you. He will be an asset to your crew.”
Zandro glances back at Ondari, then at Bekah. Ravik is aggressively shaking his head, but everyone ignores him; at this point, he’s become practically unreachable, always disagreeing with each and every plan we make.
“We will welcome him,” Zandro says. “Where should we meet you?”
“Security is tight around Logos right now, but I can clear a space in my own private dock for your vessel if you are able to jump into orbit,” Va’lora says. “I will communicate with my liaison, and I will see you in…three cycles. Does that work?”
Zandro looks to each and every one of us, the moment standing still in the warm, comforting air of Jaya’s cortex. I know this is because he trusts our opinions—even Ravik’s, despite his bickering—and that this decision is a heavy one.
If we all assent, this means war.
Most of us nod slowly, all except Ravik. I can’t resist the urge to reach down and grip Frankie’s hand, and she doesn’t pull away.
Right now, I just want someone to hold.
“Yes,” Zandro says. “We shall see you in three Logosian cycles.”
And that is how our war begins, with Frankie’s hand in mine.
Even when there is no time to mourn, we must do it anyway…especially when an entire population has just been annihilated.