Page 51 of King Takes Queen
The corner of Minerva’s lips twitched. His scheme was working, but how many moves would it take before his opponent became suspicious?
Five. After five moves, he had placed her knight in danger.
She sat back and glanced about the crowd that, for the most part, had lost interest in the game. Even Mansville had lost interest with their rather mundane play. Only a few, which included Kent, Avondale, Diana, and Gregory, continued to pay close attention.
Minerva returned her gaze to his. “Your time with Camdon and Kent was well spent. You don’t play like a novice.” She picked up her queen and twirled it between her fingers before placing it back on the board in a defensive position to protect her knight.
“Was that a compliment?” He stared at the board. If he continued to remain neutral and not the aggressor, he’d test her patience.
It took six more moves before Minerva hastened the pace of play by kingside castling, shifting her rook toward the center of the board. This was exactly what Anthony had hoped she’d do. Now all he had to do was position his rooks one behind another along the far column to entrap her king. He moved his queen as a sacrifice, copying Minerva’s surprise move during her game with Camdon.
Minerva took his queen and asked, “Confident that you can win without the aid of your queen?”
“Mayhap I made an error.” He attempted to appear contrite and then promptly took her queen with his pawn. Now neither of them had their queen on the board. They were evenly matched in pieces, although Minerva retained the slight advantage.
“An error?” Minerva picked up her knight and tapped the piece to her chin. “Do you feel remorse for this mistake?”
He was wise enough to know she was not referring to his chess play. “Aye. I’m deeply sorry.”
She placed her knight upon the board and sat back to cross her arms over her chest. His attention was momentarily distracted by memories of cupping the delightful breasts that were now trapped beneath her gown.
Minerva searched his features, which he carefully arranged to mask his delight at the progress of the game—and his wayward thoughts. He would have to let her place him in check at least once in order for his plan to win to succeed. Giving up one secret for a lifetime with her as her husband was well worth the price.
He moved his knight into position and waited.
Without hesitation, Minerva moved her knight, placing him in check. “I believe I’m owed a secret, my lord.”
“What is it you wish to know?”
Minerva lowered her gaze to the chess pieces. “If you could marry Madame Rose without censure, would you?”
“What in damnation do you mean?” His response slipped through his lips without thought.
She lowered her voice for only him to hear. “You are attracted to Madame Rose, not me as Lady Minerva.”
Anthony moved his king one space to his left, easily escaping the threat. “I want to marry you, and it is you who I want to wake up next to every morn.”
Minerva continued to avoid his gaze and focused on the board. “Are you certain?”
“Minerva, look at me.”
She did as he asked, and lifted a gaze that was filled with fear and confusion.
“If you will have me, it would be an honor to be your husband.”
It was her turn, but she didn’t reach for any of the pieces.
Minutes later, Kent’s form cast a shadow over the board. “Might I suggest a short respite?”
Minerva shook her head. “No. I wish to continue.”
Anthony didn’t want to rush her. Minerva’s next move would tell him whether or not she was truly playing to win or if she was willing to become the Countess of Drake. He held his breath as he waited for her to make her move.
Finally, Minerva reached for her knight and took his knight, again placing them on fairly even footing. It appeared she was still undecided.
Three more turns each, and neither had made moves to end the game quickly. It was time for him to execute his plan. He moved his rook from the far right corner to the far left.
Minerva’s brows rose. She acknowledged he was now on the attack.