Page 53 of King Takes Queen
“I want to hear you say it, pet.”
She leaned forward over the chessboard. “I, Lady Minerva Malbury, agree to marry you.”
Not giving a care to who was about, Anthony gave in to temptation, threaded his fingers through her hair, and kissed her soundly, to prove it was she whom he couldn’t keep his hands off.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Acollective gaspcame from the crowd. She pulled back from Anthony’s deep, drugging kiss. Smiling, she turned to search for her sisters, and caught Lord Mansville marching directly toward them. She stiffened in her seat at the sight of the man’s scowl and clenched jaw.
Lord Mansville ignored both Anthony and her and stood in front of the board to study the remaining pieces and those discarded to the side. Drake stood prepared to act but remained silent. Meanwhile, every muscle in her back was strung tight, forcing her to sit up straight in her chair. Braced and prepared for the verbal lashing that was sure to come, Minerva held her breath.
Lord Mansville turned on his heel and bestowed upon her what appeared to be a solemn, heartfelt bow. “Lady Minerva, a game well played.”
Minerva blinked and narrowed her gaze upon the man she’d feared for three Seasons. “My thanks, Lord Mansville.”
“If Lord Drake would be amicable, I’d be honored if you, my lady, would grant me the pleasure of playing another game of chess. I find your style of play extremely fascinating.” The man’s attention wasn’t trained upon her; he was once again studying the board and the pieces. Lord Mansville’s obsession wasn’t with her, it was with chess and good gameplay.
Minerva studied the man a moment longer with a new perspective. Immersed in the game, the man was blind to the reactions of others, just as she had been.
Drake cleared his throat. “If Lady Minerva wishes to accept your offer to partake in a friendly game of chess, it shall have to wait until after we return from our wedding trip.”
Lord Mansville turned to face her future husband, his reluctance to remove his attention from the board obvious. “I shall eagerly await the Countess of Drake’s response.”
Being referred to as the Countess of Drake even before they were wed had Minerva’s pulse racing. For years she had fantasized of holding the title, of being Anthony’s wife, and to have her dream come true was truly exciting.
Anthony stepped around the table to join her. “I believe I misread Mansville’s intentions entirely.”
“I as well.” Minerva’s lips curved into a smile, and Anthony mirrored the action. The man was incredibly handsome in her opinion and made her heart flutter every time he smiled at her. She swallowed her contented sigh and said, “Are you ready? My family are about to descend upon us.”
“I am, but are you?”
Minerva frowned. “Why would I not be?”
“They will have questions.” Anthony waggled her brows at her. “Are you prepared?”
“You won, fair and square.”
“Their inquisition won’t be over the validity of the game. None of them care about chess. They only care about you and your welfare.”
“Then they should all be delighted to know I am happy.”
“Are you?” Anthony took her hands in his.
“Of course.”
His brow creased. “I do not deserve you.”
“What are you two whispering about?” Diana wedged her way between them. “I insist on the two of you maintaining the socially acceptable distance between you.”
Minerva scowled at having her baby sister play chaperone. “We are to wed, Diana.”
Diana asked Anthony, “Do you have a special license to be wed?”
To Minerva’s surprise, Anthony placed a hand over his jacket and patted his chest. “In fact, I do—however, I need a few moments alone with your sister before we send for Reverend Brown.”
Chestwick arched a brow in Minerva’s direction, and when she nodded, her brother-in-law came to their rescue. “I’m sure Diana and I can arrange for a diversion.”
“But love,” Diana replied.