Page 55 of King Takes Queen
“I like it, Auntie M.” Julian wiggled from his mama’s arms and jumped up to snuggle next to Minerva. The young boy glanced at the chessboard and then tugged at her skirts. Minerva bent lower so Julian could whisper into her ear.
Minerva reached for her bishop’s pawn and moved it forward one space, effectively blocking Anthony from taking her queen. The lad had picked up the game quickly—not surprising, since his father, Chestwick, was a skilled strategist himself, even if he didn’t share a love for the game.
The patter of more small feet approaching had Anthony ignoring the chess match and slipping down to his knees from his seat, crouched down and ready for the onslaught of hugs from Kent’s little ones—Harris, who was now four, and Sophie, fourteen months younger but more than capable of keeping up with her rambunctious brother and older cousin Julian.
Kent’s children were inseparable, and they ran toward him in unison. Arms spread wide at the ready, Anthony braced for impact.
The pair yelled, “Uncle, uncle… Where is the babe?”
Anthony hugged the mites tight and picked them up, one in each arm. “Come meet your cousin Gavin.”
A bedraggled Kent and Phyllis entered the drawing room. Kent headed directly to the sideboard, while Phyllis placed a hand on each of her children’s shoulders to settle them.
Phyllis gave Minerva a smile. “My, you look well.” She reached for her nephew, and Minerva handed little Gavin over.
Harris turned and pleaded, “Mama, we want to see Gavin.”
Phyllis walked over to the settee and sank down in the middle, and was quickly surrounded by all the children in the room. Gavin would soon join their ranks running about the estate, but until then, Anthony would heed Kent and Chestwick’s advice to enjoy every moment the babe was stationary.
Minerva flicked her gaze to the empty seat opposite her. She was eager to play.
They hadn’t played against each other since he’d won her hand. The terms had been set earlier at breakfast. The winner would be granted the first move in their private chambers for a week. Bed sport with Minerva was the best alternative to chess. Anthony no longer played out chess moves in his head—now he fantasized about how to please his wife each and every day and night.
Minerva beamed at him and stole his heart once more.
He studied the board and the pieces in front of him. It had taken three years and the healthy births of his nephews and niece before Anthony gained the courage to attempt having a family. With Gavin in their lives, he wasn’t about to wait another three years to try for another child.
The giggles from the children and the oohs and ahhs from his sisters-in-law filled his heart and furthered his resolve to win today’s chess match.
With the room filled with family, Anthony sent up a thank you to the heavens for blessing him with the most patient and understanding wife, and then prayed for the wisdom to defeat his wife and begin the process of adding to their family. Duart Hall was going to be filled with love and little MacMillians, all because Minerva never settled for anything less than love.