Page 13 of Kissed By Her
Okay, fine. “Let me guess, your rich parents gave you everything, and you probably owned a horse and went to the country club on the weekends. You don’t have any student loan debt because your parents paid for you to go to some legacy school where you didn’t study because you’re one of those people who doesn’t have to. The worst thing that’s ever happened to you is that your coffee was made with whole milk instead of oak milk. How did I do?”
I didn’t know what had come over me. I guess I’d been repressing some shit for a while, and it all came tumbling out.
Honor gave me a bored look. “Are you done? Did that feel good?”
I took a breath. “Yeah, actually it did. What’s your response?”
Honor turned to walk away, but then faced me again. “That you have no fucking clue.”
I’d never heard her curse before, but the word seemed to come easily to her.
She didn’t see me staring after her in shock. Well. I guess Honor had more fire under her chilly exterior than I’d thought. Honestly, I was kind of impressed. Who knew she had that in her?
I grabbed the reusable grocery bags and headed out to the store. As much as I tried to stop thinking about my little encounter with Honor, I couldn’t. It kept running through my mind as I tried to remember everything on the grocery list, get it into the bags, get the bags back to the house, and then take the girls to their mom’s house before getting back to make dinner for Mark. I had the leftovers from the previous evening for myself.
Liam ended up calling me just as I was finishing heating up my dinner in the guest house.
“Hey, what’s up?” I said as I put the phone on speaker so I could rinse my dishes and put them in the dishwasher.
“Not a whole lot. How’s life at the mansion?”he asked.
“You know I don’t live there, right? I’m in the guest house?” I said, wiping my hands off.
“Classy, classy,” he said, but I knew he was joking. Liam and I hadn’t grown up with much and we had both worked our asses off to get where we were. He lived a few miles away in Hartford and managed a coffee shop. He’d busted his ass when he graduated high school and had taken community college classes at night to get his Associate’s degree in business management and he had his shit together, all in the midst of transitioning. I was so fucking proud of everything he’d done. Now we just had to find him a nice girl to settle down with.
“You been on any dates lately?” I asked.
I could hear him rolling his eyes. “No. I’m busy, Layne. With work, with life. Maybe I’ll get a pet or something.”
Well, a pet wasn’t as great as a girlfriend, but it was something. I worried about him being lonely even though he had a ton of friends. It was my job as his big sister to worry, though.
“You should get something low-maintenance,” I said.
“That’s a good point, I’ll think about it. How’s the family?” he asked.
When I’d become part of Mark’s family, they’d also scooped up my brother along with me. Mark had given him business advice, written him a letter of recommendation, and included him in any and all holiday plans, since we were basically estranged from our parents.
“The kids are out of school and I’m hoping I can keep them from killing each other from boredom this summer, and Honor is really going for it with Mark.”
Liam laughed. “One of these days she’s going to drug him and drag him to Vegas.”
“That’s what I said!”
We laughed together and I vented about Honor and he vented about work and it was really good to talk to him.
We hung up and I decided to grab a popsicle from the freezer and sit outside for a few minutes looking at the stars.
The lights in the pool made everything look a little eerie, but I liked it.
When the girls were with their mom, I really did miss them. I mean, I was literally going to pick them up tomorrow morning to go to the beach for the day. I was going to be sick of them in no time, but right now, I wished they were begging me to let them stay up later.
I went inside and made some tea and put on a sheet mask while I selected a new book to read. I’d just finished a series, so I was in need of something new.
I was feeling some historical romance, so I selected a book that had been on my TBR for a while, but I’d been saving. Now seemed like a good time to open it up. Plus, the ladies in gowns on the cover were hot.
I settled into bed and went ahead and lost myself in someone else’s love story.
* * *