Page 26 of Kissed By Her
“Let’s see how the rest of the week goes,” I said, and we all laughed.
* * *
Dinner that nightwas at a restaurant with a huge deck right on the ocean, and included clams, lobster, sweet corn on the cob, rolls, and buckets of butter.
The three of us wore the silly plastic bibs and took a ton of pictures and sipped chilled wine as the sun set.
“Are we doing dessert?” I asked.
“I always have room for pie,” Joy said.
“Ditto,” Syd said, so we ordered blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream.
“We should get going before it gets too dark,” I said as we split the bill and gathered up our things. In addition to our new bags, we’d also bought a bunch of silly trinkets, and I’d gotten gifts for the twins because I couldn’t help myself.
We piled on the couch in the cottage and watched a movie until we were all struggling to stay awake and decided to head to our rooms for the night.
I tried to read, but my eyes would not stay open, so I plugged my ereader in to charge and called it a night.
* * *
The next fewdays were bliss. We traded off making meals and choosing where to eat for dinner. Joy had packed each day with shopping and beach time and other fun things nearby.
We did a short nature hike one afternoon, visited a lighthouse, and got very wet on a whale watch where we only saw one whale.
“At least we got to see seals and puffins?” Joy said when we got back, completely drenched and somewhat disappointed.
“Yeah, it’s not really a guarantee that you’re going to see a whale. It’s not like they can pay the whales to show up,” I said. “Although, that seems like it would be a good deal for the boats and the whales. They could be paid in fish.”
Joy snorted.
“Did you get video?” Sydney asked.
“Oh yeah, the twins are going to die,” I said, showing her the only video I got of the whale surfacing.
“What do you think Honor has been up to this week?” Joy asked.
I made a face. “I’ve been trying not to think about her. She’s probably thrilled that I’m out of the house so she can really sink her claws into Mark. I wouldn’t put it past her to cast a spell on him or something.”
“She shouldn’t fuck with magic,” Sydney said, shaking her head. “You don’t want to mess with love spells.”
“You sound like you might be speaking from personal experience?” Joy said, giving Sydney a look.
“Don’t do it,” was all she would say.
I gave Joy a look and decided to ask more about that later.
* * *
I’d toldmyself I wasn’t going to think about Honor all week, but it was like my brain was refusing to let me do that. I’d just be doing something random and her face would pop into my head. Or I’d wonder what she was doing at that moment. Or I’d wonder how many creative ways she’d find to insult whatever I was doing at the time.
I wondered when her last vacation was. As much as I couldn’t stand her, she was a hard worker. She busted her ass for Mark and stayed late and came in on weekends and did her damn job. What did Honor do when she wasn’t at work? Probably had a shrine to Mark in her house that she worshipped at or something.
She’d mentioned a sister and I wondered if she was older or younger. Did they get along? It was so weird to imagine Honor’s life outside of what I knew about her. Like, what did she do on the weekends? Was she the kind of person who slept late, or was she up with the sun and getting shit done? What did she eat for breakfast? Did she immediately fold her laundry when it came out of the dryer, or did she let it hang out in a basket for a few days?
Something told me she folded her laundry perfectly and put it away when it was still warm. I bet she had a special folding system she learned from an organizing book. I’d done my best to teach the twins folding techniques, but I’d eventually given up and had just let them have chaos if that’s how they wanted their clothes to be.
Joy snapped her fingers in front of my face.