Page 54 of Kissed By Her
Since everything was organized, I thought their sneaking and plotting would be over, but it wasn’t.
“What are you up to?” I kept asking them, but they kept telling me nothing.
Then I heard a scream on Wednesday coming from Mark’s office. The twins had gotten picked up a few minutes before for a playdate with one of their friends, so the only other person screaming could have been Honor.
I rushed to the office and found Honor shaking her head and Mark looking at the floor where her purse had been dropped, spilling everywhere.
“What is it?” I asked. Mark bent down and picked up something small, holding it out to me.
“Looks like someone dumped a bunch of fake spiders in Honor’s bag,” he said, his mouth a thin line.
“Oh,” I said, and joined him on the floor to pick one of the plastic spiders up. They did look terrifyingly realistic.
“I’m so sorry, Honor. I’ll have to have another chat with them,” Mark said.
It was obvious what the girls had done.
“Did you know anything about this?” Mark asked.
“Absolutely not,” I said.
Those little brats. I didn’t know how they’d gotten their hands on the fake spiders, but I wanted to know. The snakes and fake vomit were one thing, but this was a prank too far.
“I’m okay, I’m fine,” Honor said, quickly pulling herself together.
“I’ll take care of it,” I said, starting to pluck the spiders off the floor.
I got all of Honor’s shit back into her bag and handed it to her.
She looked pissed, but that wasn’t an unfamiliar expression on her face in my experience.
Sorry, I mouthed before leaving the room as quietly as I could.
The spiders were dumped in the trash, and I wanted to send the twins a text that they were both in big trouble, but they needed to hear from their parents first. Mark had probably already called Sadie to discuss this latest issue.
The pranks were bad, but they were making Mark and Sadie have to talk to each other a lot, so maybe the twins were more devious than I thought.
Honor came out a little later for water.
“You good?” I asked. The fake spiders had made me forget all about what happened when she came over on Friday, and then seeing her house on Sunday. She didn’t know about that part, though.
“I’m fine. It would take more than a few little spiders to freak me out. You should tell them that.” A little shudder went down her spine, though.
Honor downed an entire glass of water and braced her hands on the counter.
“I’m sorry for running out on you on Friday,” she said.
“Wait, you apologizing to me? This feels weird. I’m not used to it,” I said.
She gave me a tiny smile. “Well, I didn’t bring any slutty apology brownies.”
“Then I do not forgive you. I can only accept apologies that include brownies.” I shrugged and Honor laughed.
“Then I guess I’m out of luck.”
The tension was broken, and we hadn’t really talked about everything, but the mood was lighter, so I guess that was something.
I briefly considered asking if she wanted to hang out later, but I wasn’t going to be done until the twins were in bed, so it would be pretty late.