Page 56 of Kissed By Her
At least they were reading and not planning on setting Honor’s hair on fire.
Finally, it was time for me to make dinner and I was almost done for the day. Honor had popped out of the office much more than usual today, probably because Mark had gone off to play golf. I guess that was all part of his job, and he honestly hated it, but he put on a smile and did it anyway, then came back and ranted about how much he hated golf courses. It was our little ritual.
“You excited to hear how much fun Mark didn’t have today?” I asked her when she finally emerged from the office to come and watch me cook. On tap for tonight was baked macaroni and cheese, one of the twin’s favorite, biscuits, and a big old salad with whatever veggies I had in the fridge. I was kind of winging it, which I didn’t normally do. I’d been distracted all day and forgot to take the chicken out for what I’d planned to make.
“I keep telling him that he needs to suggest other activities, but he always gives in and goes to the club,” Honor said, shaking her head. “For such a successful man, he can be really bad at saying no sometimes.”
“Right? He’s so random about it. Like the twins will convince him to say yes to something, but he’ll be like ‘absolutely not’ for something else. It was way worse when they were younger, let me tell you. He had a steep learning curve in becoming a dad.”
Our conversation was cut short by Mark’s arrival. Riley and Zoey wandered into the kitchen a few minutes later to see how dinner was coming.
Honor said goodbye to everyone, and I didn’t have a chance to tell her that she could go over to my place and wait for me and hang out. Her car pulled out of the driveway and I pulled up a new text message. Honor and I had exchanged texts a few times when I couldn’t get in touch with Mark. The last one was from months ago.
My door is open if you want to go next door and chill until I’m done here,I sent.
She didn’t respond for at least ten minutes.
Went home to change. Be back later.
That made sense.
“Who are you texting?” Riley asked, trying to peer at my phone.
“None of your business,” I said. “It’s rude to look at other people’s phones.”
Mark finished up in his office and I finally got dinner on the table and ate as fast as I could.
“I have plans tonight, do you mind if I dip out a little early?” I asked Mark.
“Of course. I think loading the dishwasher would be a nice thing for Riley and Zoey to do,” he said, giving them both looks.
They protested, but then he reminded them about the spider incident and that quieted them down.
I did help them a little and took my plates and put them in the sink before saying goodnight and walking over to the guest house.
“Hello?” I said as I opened the door. No one answered. Honor must still be at her house.
I went to my kitchen to pull out some bowls and spoons and so forth to make the brownie sundaes.
A few minutes later, there was a soft knock at the door.
“Hey,” I said, and Honor kept glancing back at the main house. She’d changed into jeans and a nice shirt and a pair of espadrilles.
“Hey,” she said, pushing inside. “I had to park my car up the road in a ditch and walk.”
“Why?” I asked.
“So Mark wouldn’t look out the window and wonder what I was doing still parked in his driveway,” she said.
“So you don’t want Mark to know you’re here,” I said, confirming my suspicions.
“I just think it would lead to a lot of questions, don’t you think?”
It absolutely would, and I didn’t have any answers and I still didn’t know what the fuck was even happening between us.
“Hopefully you won’t get attacked by a moose on your walk back,” I said.