Page 73 of Kissed By Her
“Yeah, I’m fine with meeting her,” I said. “From what you told me she sounds interesting.”
“That’s not the word I’d use for her, but sure,” she said, chuckling.
“Still hasn’t decided on a major?”
Honor put up one hand. “Don’t get me started. I want to enjoy this lobster roll.”
I snorted. “Okay, then. How was your day?”
Honor told me about the issues they’d had with getting records from one of their new companies to do due diligence.
“They asked if they could fax them to us, can you believe that?”
“What is it, 1972?” I said laughing.
“I know. Everything is digital now. Anyway, we finally got things squared away, but it was a tense couple of hours. How were the twins today?”
I told her about what we’d done today. It wasn’t as exciting as writing contracts for lots of money, but it was a job that needed to be done.
“Their mom seems like a good woman,” Honor said.
“She is. She really is. I know you haven’t seen her much, but I think you’d like her. She was so driven after the divorce that she opened her own boutique when she had two infants. I still don’t know where she found the time or energy, but she did the damn thing and it’s still successful.”
Honor nodded. “I really admire that.”
“So, I promised the twins I wouldn’t tell, but now that you’re not trying to seduce their dad, I can tell you.”
Honor raised both eyebrows. “Tell me what?”
“Part of the reason Riley and Zoey were pulling all those pranks on you was to get you away from their dad so he would notice their mom again. They booked a private sunset cruise on a schooner and the plan is to say they’re seasick at the last minute and I’m going to take them home and then they’ll be stuck on the boat together for at least three hours. They think it’ll spark the romance again.”
Honor took a dainty bite of her lobster roll and then set it down.
“They’re young,” was all she said.
“Don’t you think it’s cute, though?” I asked.
“I think they’re going to be disappointed,” she said, wiping her mouth. “I don’t know why you’re going along with it.”
“Because if I try and stop them, they’ll just come up with something else and they need adult supervision. Like, you weren’t here when they both pretended they broke their legs because they didn’t want to do a presentation at school.” What a complete disaster that had been.
“Still,” Honor said. “They’re going to get their hearts broken.”
I was starting to get annoyed. “Maybe they won’t. You haven’t seen Mark and Sadie lately. The chemistry is there. It’s not out of left field to think that it could reignite.”
“We clearly aren’t going to agree about this,” she said, looking at her plate.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m just more optimistic than you are. You read lots of romance, don’t you believe in love?”
Honor looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I guess I just don’t believe that it’s always forever or that as many people experience it as say they do.”
I sat back in shock. “What the hell, Honor? If you don’t believe in love, then what the fuck are you doing with me?”
She whipped toward me. “Who said anything about love?”
“I mean, in the hypothetical sense,” I said quickly.
“Wait, I thought we were talking about Mark and Sadie? Are we talking about us?” she asked.