Page 98 of Kissed By Her
“What do you want?” I asked her, and her eyes opened.
“Open your mouth,” she said, and I did exactly that as she leaned down and set her nipple in my mouth.
It was unexpected and so fucking hot that my brain stopped for a moment before I realized I had Honor’s nipple in my mouth and all my wildest dreams were coming true.
I flicked my tongue against her nipple and then sucked gently.
“More,” Honor said. I couldn’t see her face, so I had to go off what I could hear.
I sucked harder and used my teeth on her nipple and was rewarded by her nails digging into my scalp and a sound of pleasure coming from her lips.
I alternated between soft touches, licks, and bites until I moved on to the other breast, giving it equal attention.
Honor held herself above me, but I could feel her trembling, taste her heartbeat against her skin.
If she decided to suffocate me with her magnificent chest, I would die happy in this moment.
Honor let out a gasping breath and sat up. Her nipples were darker and wet from my mouth. I definitely liked that.
I cupped them in my hands.
“I could spend all day with these,” I said.
“Maybe I’ll let you someday. Right now, I have other parts of your body in mind to give some attention.”
“Oh, you do?” I asked. “Are you talking about my elbows? My knees? My heels?”
Honor laughed under her breath and shook her head.
“None of those, although they’ve very nice, and I intend to touch and taste them, but there are different areas that I’d like to focus on now, and you know it, Layne.”
I felt like I was being scolded by a sexy teacher and I wasn’t mad about it.
Honor might be younger than me, but right now, she had the upper hand and I was content to let her keep it. I’d always been comfortable to let my partners be more aggressive in the bedroom. Honor had been right about me loving it when other people took care of me in this way.
“Is it the back of my neck, because I can turn over,” I said, wiggling my hips.
Honor squeezed her legs on the outside of mine.
“I’m not talking about the back of your neck.”
“Where then?” I asked, making my eyes wide and innocent.
She slid her hand down between my breasts, stopped briefly to circle my belly button, and then cupped me over my lacy underwear.
The warmth of her hand and the sudden pressure made me writhe.
“Right there,” she said as I pushed myself into her hand, seeking more contact. The lace was an irritating barrier that I wanted gone.
“Touch me, Honor,” I said. “Please.”
Moving down the bed, she hooked her fingers on the sides of my underwear and shimmied them down my hips and then set them carefully with my bra on the chair.
Here I was, in all my naked glory, laid out for her.
Honor looked down at me with fire in her eyes and it burned inside me, making me bold.
“Are you going to touch me, or am I going to have to take care of myself?” I said, stroking my center with my hand. I was already so slick that my fingers slid easily.