Page 43 of Tempted By Her
“Good,” she said.
There was a heavy pause between us.
“I should unpack,” I said. I had laundry to do as well.
“Right, of course. I’ll let you get to that.” She pushed off the counter and went back to the couch.
Clementine followed her.
“Traitor,” I whispered after him.
Chapter Nine
“Things are better,”I told Joy at our lunch the next day. “I mean, she talks to me now, which is an improvement. I think maybe when she pulled back, that that made me want her more, so now that I’m getting regular contact with her, the crush should go away.”
I hated even calling what I felt for Lark a “crush.” It felt like something a teenager would have. Frivolous and unserious.
“Sounds like a plan,” Joy said and then pressed her lips together as if she was stopping herself from saying anything more.
“What?” I asked. “Come on, say it.”
“No, nothing. I’m keeping my opinions to myself.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Oh really? When have you ever done that before?”
She smacked me lightly on the arm.
“Hey. I’m doing my best. I’m trying to focus on myself and less on other people now,” she said.
“Is that from Ezra’s influence?” I asked. Being with Ezra had had other impacts on Joy, all positive.
“Sort of. She also helped me set some better boundaries with my family. My mom isn’t happy, but she’s dealing with it, and I feel better when I go to visit,” she said.
That was a relief. Joy and her family had a complicated relationship, especially between Joy and her mom.
“I’m happy for you, that’s great, Joy.” She beamed.
We finished our lunches and hugged before heading back to our jobs.
“Good luck with Lark,” Joy said before she pushed the door of the bookshop open. I gave her the finger.
* * *
I came homefrom work on Wednesday evening to find Lark on the couch. She was home early from work.
“Hey,” I called, and she answered me with a cracked voice.
I set my shit down and went to see what was up. Lark looked awful. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose was clearly running, and even her hair was limp and flat.
“Oh no, are you okay?” I asked. Clementine was making biscuits by her feet with the blanket.
“I felt shitty yesterday, but then it really hit me today. Liam sent me home after lunch,” she said, and then had a coughing fit. “I’m sorry if you get sick.”
“No, that’s fine. It’s kind of what happens when you live with people. Layne used to be sick all the time when the twins were little. Kids are germ factories.”
Lark nodded and sniffed. She reached for the tissue box she’d set on the table, but it was empty. Lark frowned and set it down with a sigh. I dashed to my room and came back with my personal box.