Page 47 of Tempted By Her
Lark was awake and sitting up when I came up after closing the pottery shop. Clementine was still on her bed and jumped down to greet me.
“Hey, you look better,” I said, and I wasn’t lying. Her color was definitely better.
“Thanks,” she said. “I feel like I’ve slept enough for a year.”
“Can I get you anything?” I asked.
“No, I’m good,” she said. “I was thinking I might like a change of scenery, so I was going to move to the couch.
“Sure, go for it,” I said. “I’m just going to put something else on and make some dinner. Do you want more soup?”
“Yes, please. With crackers.” Her having an appetite was another positive sign, and her temperature had gone down a tiny bit when I checked it as she lounged on the couch.
Figuring the soup was better than anything I could make, I heated up enough for two servings and grabbed the bag of crackers, along with two cans of ginger ale.
Lark chuckled at something on the TV.
“What are you watching?” I asked as I set the soup and sodas down on the coffee table.
“The gay lady baseball show. Have you seen it?” she asked as I passed her bowl over, being careful not to dump it on her.
“No, but I know Layne loves it,” I said.
“You can start it over,” she said. “I’ve only made it to the second episode.”
I sat down and started the show over, and she folded her legs up to give me room. Without saying anything, I grabbed her feet and pulled her legs into my lap. Her feet were covered in fuzzy socks, but her legs were bare and warm and so incredibly soft.
I waited for her to protest, but she didn’t. She just wiggled her toes a little and settled in as the show started. I picked up my bowl of soup and ate it as normally as I could, given that I had her gorgeous legs in my lap. At least they were under a blanket, so I couldn’t see how luscious they were. I could just feel them and feel every movement she made.
Lark had great everything, but her legs were especially perfect. She also had the daintiest feet I’d ever seen on a grown woman. Made me want to paint her cute little toenails for her even though the smell of polish gave me a headache.
The show was adorable and funny, but the best part was hearing Lark’s laugh. It was such a relief that she was starting to feel better. Her nose still ran, and she had a coughing fit every now and then, but her eyes were bright and her fever was down.
“Layne makes a mean chicken noodle soup,” she said as I took her empty bowl from her.
“Layne makes a mean everything. She can make these daintily decorated cookies and then turn around and make a three-course dinner for forty people without even breaking a sweat. A woman that knows how to cook under pressure.”
“Honor needs that. Neither of us are very good at cooking. Our mother thought cooking was something for other people to do, and she didn’t like getting her hands dirty, so Honor and I either ate something prepared by a private chef, or we got really good with the microwave. It’s really nice of Layne to help me make up for lost time.”
Sometimes I hated hearing about Lark’s childhood because nearly every story made me so angry.
She wiggled her toes again and I picked up one of her feet and started rubbing it, mostly just to see her reaction. It was something Joy and I would do for each other, so it wasn’t as if this was something I’d never done for a roommate before.
Lark’s breath caught and then a few seconds later, she let out what I could only describe as a moan that had me instantly turned on. I’d heard that sound before and all I wanted was to hear it again and again and again.
“That feels good,” she said, her voice rough. Even though I was horny as hell, she was sick, so there was no chance of this going any further than me playing with her feet. If I could give her a little bit of comfort, that was enough. I’d store those moans in my brain and get them out later when I was alone in my room with my vibrator.
Clementine hopped up and curled himself on Lark’s chest, purring like a freight train.
“Sweet orange boy,” Lark said softly as she petted him. “Yes, you’re a sweet boy.”
Clem purred louder and I switched to Lark’s other foot.
We finished another episode and Lark let out a little sigh.
“Do we have any ice cream?” she asked as Clementine tilted his head so she could scratch his ears.
“Yeah, let me check.”