Page 57 of Tempted By Her
“What about this?” she asked, stopping on a true crime documentary.
“Sounds good,” I said without even reading the summary.
Lark put her fork down with a sigh and folded her hands on her belly.
Instead of watching the show, I just kept watching her. Her curls were just starting to dry, and I wanted to run my fingers through them. I wanted to lay in bed with her and ask her about every single scar on her perfect skin. I wanted to hear about her Christmases and birthdays and what she’d been like in school. I wanted to talk to her about everything and nothing.
I moved the lasagna plate onto the coffee table and wiggled closer to her, resting my head on her chest. One of her hands went to my hair, stroking it even though it was still damp.
My eyes closed and I was asleep within minutes.
* * *
“Syd,”a soft voice said. I woke up and realized that I’d had an accidental nap on Lark.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I didn’t want to wake you up, but I really have to pee,” she said, blushing a little bit.
“No problem,” I said. “I’m going to make some tea, do you want some?”
“Sure,” she said, getting up and heading to the bathroom.
I stretched a little bit before I got to my feet and went to the kitchen to make tea.
Lark resumed her spot after she finished in the bathroom and I brought the tea over for both of us.
“Thanks,” she said, taking it from me. Fuck, she was so pretty, I could barely stand it.
I snuggled back into her again and she put her arm around me.
“This is nice,” she said.
“Yeah. I’ve been snuggle deprived for a long time,” I said.
“I thought you didn’t do snuggling,” she said.
“Oh, I definitely do snuggling. It’s great. Big fan,” I said.
“How do you separate snuggling from the whole relationship thing? I’m just trying to understand,” she said. My friends had asked me the same sort of thing. They’d been trying to figure me out for years, but so far, they hadn’t been able to crack the mystery that was how my brain worked.
“I guess I just put sex and that sort of physical stuff in a box and then my regular life in another. People come into my life and then they go out of it. No drama, no issues. I get to do all my regular shit and then when I need sex or companionship, I find someone to fill that need. It works for me,” I said.
Lark thought about that as she drank her tea.
“That makes sense. But you don’t want anyone to stick around?”
Now I was the one who had to think about my answer. “I never have before.”
That was the absolute truth. I’d never ached for more before.
“What would you do if you ever wanted someone in your life all the time?” she asked and I let myself look deep into her blue eyes.
“I’ll let you know if it happens,” I said.
* * *
Lark seemedto hesitate before heading to bed.