Page 62 of Tempted By Her
I almost skipped up the stairs to my apartment after closing the shop for the day. I’d gotten in touch with Everly’s references and they’d all been completely glowing and said that I would be a fool not to hire her. They might have just been her friends pretending to talk her up, but I didn’t think so.
Lark wasn’t home yet, but I went ahead and unloaded the dishwasher and fed Clementine before sitting down to read until she got home.
“Hey,” Lark said, pushing through the door and hauling several bags of groceries.
“Whoa, need some help?” I asked.
“No, I’ve got it,” she said, hauling the bags up and setting them on the counter with a grunt.
“You know we have food,” I said.
“I know, but we were out of some stuff,” she said, staring to put things away.
She paused and came over to give me a kiss. Her lips were cold from being outside.
“Hello,” she said.
“Hello. What are we having for dinner?” I asked.
“I was absolutely craving white chicken chili, so I found a recipe online and I’m going to hope that I don’t mess it up,” Lark said, pulling out some peppers and setting them on the counter.
“That sounds seriously amazing,” I said.
“I didn’t get the hottest chilis, so you’ll just have to add your sauce to make yours the right heat level,” she said.
“That’s fine. I’m used to it,” I said.
I could go back to my book, but I sat at one of the stools and talked to Lark as she made dinner and Clementine begged for scraps.
“This would burn your little whiskers,” Lark told him while she sliced the peppers and removed the seeds.
“Let him sniff one and see how he reacts,” I said. Lark picked up one of the peppers she’d sliced in half and held it in front of his face. He recoiled instantly and glared at her with betrayal in his eyes.
“I told you, silly boy,” Lark said.
A few seconds later, Clementine was begging again, as if nothing had happened.
“His brain isn’t the brainiest,” I said. “It’s okay, we still love him.”
“Yes we do,” Lark said.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you that I hired someone today.”
Lark paused in slicing the peppers. “That’s amazing, how did that happen?”
“Honestly, she walked in and asked for a job and I interviewed her on the spot and she’s coming in on Wednesday to train.”
“That almost seems like it was meant to be,” she said, finishing up the peppers and throwing them in the pot.
“I know. I’m trying not to get my hopes up. This could absolutely bite me in the ass. I’ve never hired anyone before,” I said.
“I’m sure it will be fine. You checked her references and so forth, right?” I nodded. “I even ran her name through court records just in case. I mean, not that I’m going to turn someone away who had an arrest record, but I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t like, a long history of embezzlement or something.”
Talking to Lark was so easy. She’d gone from this person I’d fucked once to this woman that I could shoot the shit with over just about anything.
The white chicken chili was completely delicious, and I couldn’t stop eating it, even after I was full.
“I made enough so we’ll have leftovers,” she said.